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Modelling developments linked to the implementation of mid-century strategies

The second section focuses on recent modelling developments linked to the implementation of mid-century mitigation strategies. A paper published by the Deep Decarbonization Pathways (DDP) project describing the innovative pathway design framework used to model mid-century low-emission pathways for 16 countries in the lead up to the twenty-first Conference of the Parties is presented. The ongoing modelling efforts by Climateworks Australia to develop a new model as part of the Decarbonisation Futures project is also highlighted.

date:  24/06/2019

  • The Deep Decarbonization Pathways (DDP) project published a new paper, “A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategies”. The article describes the innovative pathway design framework used to model mid-century low-emission pathways for 16 countries in the lead up to the twenty-first Conference of the Parties. It further shows how it can support the development of sectorally and technologically detailed, policy-relevant and country-driven strategies consistent with the Paris Agreement climate goal. It further discusses how it can be used to engage stakeholder input and buy-in; design implementation policy packages; reveal necessary technological, financial and institutional enabling conditions; and support global stocktaking and increasing of ambition.
  • Climateworks Australia is currently developing a new model as part of the Decarbonisation Futures project. Since the latest developments were reported in this quarterly series[1] this project has progressed through the modelling phase and is now interrogating results, with a view of publishing the findings in the near future. . The project involved the creation of a number of narrative scenarios, spanning from no/little action through to action consistent with action to achieve well below two-degrees. The recent modelling task quantified these scenarios, based upon the assumptions of each narrative scenario. A report presenting these results will soon be published.

[1] See the Q9 of March 2019.