Read the online version | ISSN 2600-3570
  November 2023  
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Critical Infrastructure Resilience: News, Updates and Events


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In this Issue

Dear Colleague,

We hereby present to you the final newsletter of the year 2023.

The importance of securing critical infrastructure from damages has been underlined once more during the incidents affecting a pipeline and communication cables in the Baltic Sea this autumn. Affected EU Member States coordinated their reaction with European and NATO partners, sending clear and coherent messages, such as in the Conclusions of the European Council from 27 October. While the incidents are being investigated, it has become clear that unified public reaction is an essential response to avoid that suspicious incidents are misused to spread uncertainty and put markets and supply in disorder.

The EU acts in 2023 on a much stronger framework for cooperation: the implementation of the CER Directive is progressing with the adoption of a common list of essential services now being finalised. The additional measures from the December 2022 Council recommendation on critical infrastructure on preparedness, response and international cooperation are further shaping up. The most notable recent development is the adoption of a proposal for a Critical Infrastructure Blueprint by the Commission, which is now being discussed with EU Member States.

The framework is further complemented by the revised EU Maritime Security Strategy, which Member States endorsed in October 2023. Its action plan also includes elements to further strengthen resilience of critical infrastructure at and under the sea. Threats posed to all types of critical infrastructure by drones are addressed in a new Communication from the Commission, also adopted in October. Those are just few examples of the many work strands that are undertaken in the critical infrastructure domain. In the newsletter, you will find other activities from projects, international partners and the research community. 

The newsletter is a joint effort of the European Commission's Directorate-General Migration and Home Affairs (HOME) and Joint Research Centre (JRC). We take this opportunity to thank the whole community for a decisive year, in which we were able to expand our cooperation in this important field. We look forward to continue this great work with stakeholders from Member States, operators and industry, international partners, as well as academia and civil society. 


We invite you to flag your topics for the next editions by emailing us.

Happy reading,

The Editorial Team

Policy Updates
News from the EU
The Commission adopts a Delegated Act establishing a list of essential services

The Commission adopted a Delegated Regulation establishing a non-exhaustive list of essential services based on the sectors identified by the CER Directive.

The EC proposes a Blueprint to improve response to disruptive CI cross-border incidents

The Commission proposed a Council Recommendation for a Critical Infrastructure Blueprint that will enhance the EU's coordination to respond to disruptions of CI with significant cross-border relevance.

A new outlook on the Climate and Security nexus in the EU

This Joint Communication lays out how the EU will address the growing impact of climate change and environmental degradation in the fields of security and defence.

The Commission sets out measures to tackle potential threats from civilian drones

The Commission sets out a EU counter-drone policy to address the potential threat posed by their illegal, irregular or even malicious uses. Two JRC handbooks list approaches for countering such threats.

The European Chips Act enters into force

The Act puts in place a comprehensive set of measures to ensure the EU's security of supply, resilience and technological leadership in semiconductor technologies and applications.

News from outside EU
NATO steps up to better address maritime threats

NATO establishes a Maritime Centre for the Security of Critical Undersea Infrastructure to increase situational awareness and enhance deterrence and defence in the maritime domain.

USA publishes the Cybersecurity Strategy Implementation Plan

It outline a path for achieving significant shifts towards more responsibility for cybersecurity and incentives to make investments in long-term resilience.

Australia runs the Critical Infrastructure Security Month

Australia launces the Critical Infrastructure Security Month to uplifting the security and resilience of national CI. A summary of the key risk-driven issues for CI has also been released.

Networks & Cooperation
EU new missions in space for validation of new technologies and innovation

Three new EU missions were launched under the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme. They will allow the test of technologies with a wide variety of applications.

The EU-USA partnership supports the Trans-African Corridor

The EU-USA partnership will upgrade critical infrastructure across sub-Saharan Africa to unlock the enormous potential of this region.

Research Findings & Uptake
Climate-Proofing and Greening EU defence: a primer

A new joint JRC-EDA report analyses the links between climate change, energy and defence. It pinpoints existing operational gaps, capability planning and development.

Digital Resilience of Public Administration in EU

This study investigates the digital resilience of public authorities across the EU. It provides an overview of the investments made towards digital resilience.

Strengthening defence-related CI against Hybrid Threats

This joint study provides with a conceptual basis to counter hybrid threats. It enhances resilience of critical energy infrastructures on which the defence sector depends for its well-functioning.

ENISA report on Subsea Cables: What is at stake?

It provides with detailed technical guidelines for national authorities. It supports them for the supervision of undersea cables and their associated infrastructure.

Identifying future critical technologies for space, defence and related civil industries

The report presents the findings of a foresight exercise, analysing emerging and disruptive technologies relevant for space, defence and related civil industries in the EU.

New CEN/CWA standard for crisis management in critical infrastructures

It covers the standardisation gap of defining a semantic layer compatible with existing standards and responder’s operational needs for information during a crisis.

New CEN Workshop Agreement for reporting incidents in critical infrastructures

It provides requirements and recommendations for a standardised set of information that can be used by affected CI to inform national competent authorities.

Past Initiatives & Main Outcomes
Tabletop exercise on protecting critical energy infrastructure

The TTX exercise facilitated understanding of how hybrid threats can impact defence-related critical energy infrastructure. It encouraged collaboration between European stakeholders to develop longer-term resilience.

Research and Innovation Symposium for European Security and Defence (RISE-SD 2023)

The RISE-SD proceedings examine several security and defence challenges, offering insights into the related technologies and strategies being developed to address them.

14th ESA-JRC International Summer School on GNSS

The International summer school on GNSS trained the future generations to support the space programme and foster the development of a community of innovators on space-related applications.

1st Annual Conference on Critical Infrastructure Resilience

The conference extracted key takeaways regarding the requirements of the CIP/CIR community, which project partners will take into account in their next steps.

63rd ESReDA Seminar: Resilience assessment - Methodological challenges and applications to CI

The seminar discussed theories, concepts, and experiences of resilience assessment methodologies and applications for critical infrastructure.

Reports & Perspectives
Security implications of China-owned CI in the EU

China’s footprint poses specific challenges to Europe’s efforts to protect its critical infrastructure. Chinese companies’ access to EU critical infrastructure thus calls for an analysis of threats to Europe’s defence and security architecture.

State of the Energy Union Report 2023

In this report, the Commission looks back on the EU response to the recent energy crisis, assesses the state of play and sets out the challenges and opportunities ahead.

NATO report on Protecting Critical Maritime Infrastructure

The report focuses on current and future technological developments, international law issues and responsibility for protecting critical undersea infrastructure.

EU Strategic Foresight Report 2023

The report provides an overview of the challenges we face and proposes ten areas for action to achieve a successful transition, including digital infrastructure.

World Risk Poll: CI resilience and perceptions of disaster preparedness

This report explores links between the resilience of critical infrastructure and perceptions of government disaster preparedness. It builds on the World Risk Poll 2021.

USA report on cross-sector collaboration to protect CI

This report identifies significant barriers that impede effective collaboration across CI sectors and analysed these barriers, presenting recommendations to address them.

Upcoming Events
Workshop on Collaborative Standardisation & Policy Making for CIR in Europe

The workshop aims to gather different perspectives on European CIR and form a joint strategy for efficient and effective collaborative standardisation and policymaking in this area.

date 05/12/2023 - 05/12/2023
venue Online
See also Website
PSCE Conference on 'Management of Large-Scale Events for Public Safety' 2023

The event will provide with an outlook on the upcoming 2024 Paris Olympic Games. It is an opportunity to collect inputs on how to develop a sustainable ecosystem for interoperable pan-European mission critical communications.

date 05/12/2023 - 06/12/2023
venue The Hague, The Netherlands
See also Website
European Space Conference 2024

The Conference will take stock of the current space landscape in Europe and provide a backdrop for focused, dynamic, and thought-provoking discussions on the future of European space ambitions and initiatives.

date 23/01/2024 - 24/01/2024
venue Brussels, Belgium
See also Website
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ISSN: 2600-3570