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Climate-Proofing and Greening EU defence: a primer

A new joint JRC-EDA report analyses the links between climate change, energy and defence. It pinpoints existing operational gaps, capability planning and development.

Image from the report

date:  04/11/2023

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The defence sector is critical for maintaining the safety and stability of society. However, the sector is at risk from climate change either through direct impacts of climatic hazards or indirectly because of its dependence on vulnerable entities that operate critical energy infrastructure. The defence sector must therefore increase its resilience to climate change as not acknowledging and anticipating these impacts, and acting upon them, can have major costs.

A new study by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the European Defence Agency (EDA) explores for the first time the link between climate change, energy and defence. The study pinpoints existing gaps in the operational dimension, capability planning and development, multi-stakeholder engagement, governance, and R&D. Based on these gaps, it provides recommendations for EU Ministries of Defence and critical energy infrastructure operators on climate change mitigation and adaptation, including guidance for investing in sustainable energy measures.

The study also outlines how the EU can complement national efforts and promote a long-term perspective to address these challenges comprehensively and effectively. It provides scientific evidence to support the development of national strategies to prepare the armed forces for climate change impacts, in line with the requirements of the EU Strategic Compass for Security and Defence.

Overall, the study’s recommendations aim to facilitate the climate proofing and greening of all aspects of defence. Addressing the emerging and future requirements of EU defence in the face of climate change is an important steppingstone in the wider efforts of the EU to achieve climate resilience and neutrality.


Impacts of climate change on d...
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