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New CEN Workshop Agreement for reporting incidents in critical infrastructures

It provides requirements and recommendations for a standardised set of information that can be used by affected CI to inform national competent authorities.

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date:  04/11/2023

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CEN/CWA 18024:2023 is one of the outcomes of the standardisation gap analysis and resulting pre-standardisation activities promoted by STRATEGY project, funded under EU Horizon 2020 R&I programme (GA Nº88520) and developed by CEN/Workshop Improvement of information processing in crisis management of critical infrastructures for computer assisted data gathering, display and reporting. This CWA is part of the STRATEGY project standardisation footprint, a successful case on how to valorise a research project result through standardisation, aligned with the EU Code of Practice and its success factors.

The CWA was drafted and agreed with the participation of more than 40 stakeholders from command and control centers, academia, research institutes, industries, CI operators, standardisation organizations, international consortia and first responders from several EU Member States, aiming for a broad participation and consensus among relevant actors in the CI’s crisis management.

Besides, it was fully tested and evaluated in a Table-Top Exercise and Full-Scale Exercise within STRATEGY project against the operational needs and end-users’ perspective, aiming to improve crisis management and resilience for critical infrastructures.

CEN/CWA 18024:2023 aims to close the gap of reporting incidents that affect CIs to competent authorities or any other interested party with a standardized content. The CWA provides requirements and recommendations for the information sent from the CIs to competent authorities in case of an incident, but not a technical schema.

The CWA deals with data related to the identification of the user and the incident; the description of the incident; risk and impacts on the CI and other interconnected CIs; actions to reduce the impacts and restore services, and resources used or additional ones.

It provides incident notification and reporting, improved situation awareness for effective and efficient response, and restoration of essential services and it is aligned with the EU Directive 2557/2022. Its use can support new technological tools, incident knowledge databases, statistics and risk assessment studies for CIs.


Emergency management - Inciden...
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