Read the online version | ISSN 2600-3570
  January 2023  
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Critical Infrastructure Resilience: News, Updates and Events


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In this Issue

Dear Colleague,

The European Commission is glad to publish the first Critical Infrastructure Resilience newsletter of 2023 and inform you of news, activities and events carried out across EU and beyond on critical entities and the infrastructure they rely on.

In autumn last year, EU Member States were faced with attacks on critical infrastructure. The sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipelines has been a wake-up call and demonstrated the need to further strengthen resilience of critical infrastructure in the energy sector. Further incidents, like the sabotage affecting the German rail network or several cases of suspicious attempts to gather information on sensitive sites make it even more clear that there is a need to ensure that our critical infrastructure is secure and resilient. In that regard, important policy milestones have been achieved by the end of 2022.

The adoption of the Directive on the Resilience of Critical Entities in December 2022 is a cornerstone to strengthen the resilience of critical entities in the EU. Having entered into force on 16 January 2023, the Directive covers 11 sectors against a wide range of threats, including terrorist attacks, insider threats, sabotage, as well as natural hazards and public health emergencies. With a new framework for cooperation, as well as a set of obligations for both Member States and critical entities that provide essential services, critical entities will be better prepared to resist, respond and be able to bounce back into operations in case of a disruptive incident.

After the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines, the EU and its Member States were faced with the need to urgently step up EU efforts to protect against further attacks on critical infrastructure. The Council adopted a Recommendation on a Union-wide coordinated approach to strengthen the resilience of critical infrastructure, strengthening ongoing efforts on the resilience of critical infrastructure by better preparing, better responding and enhancing international cooperation. The CER Directive, complemented by the Council Recommendation will boost action and cooperation at EU-level in making sure that our critical infrastructure is even more resilient.

There are many recent developments that concern the holistic cross-sectoral and cross-border resilience of critical infrastructure and the supply chains they rely on. This edition of the newsletter features projects, security reports, and key conferences both at EU and international level.

The newsletter is a joint effort of the European Commission's Directorate-General Migration and Home Affairs (HOME) and Joint Research Centre (JRC).


If you work or are interested in the area of critical infrastructure resilience, get in touch and share any interesting information by emailing us.

Happy reading,

The Editorial Team

Policy Updates
News from the EU
CER and NIS-2 Directives enter into force to strengthen EU's Resilience

The two key directives enter into force, aiming at reducing vulnerabilities and strengthen resilience of critical and digital infrastructure against online and offline threats, from cyberattacks to crime, risks to public health and natural disasters.

EU Secure Connectivity Programme: political agreement to launch IRIS²

The EC welcomes the political agreement on the Union Secure Connectivity Programme 2023-2027 that aims at deploying IRIS², the EU satellite constellation.

Safeguarding EU Security through investment screening and export control rules

Foreign investment screening and export controls play a critical role in safeguarding European security and public order. This is the result of two reports adopted by the European Commission.

EU boosts action against Cyber Threats

This policy on Cyber Defence will help the EU and Member States to better detect, deter and defend against cyber-attacks, including civil-military cooperation.

EC presents the Single Market Emergency Instrument (SMEI)

This crisis governance framework aims to preserve the free movement and the availability of essential goods and services in the event of future emergencies across the EU.

Towards a European Critical Raw Materials Act

This initiative aims to reinforce EU monitoring capacities and strengthen both the EU value chain and its strategic interest.

News from outside EU
Canada bolsters Cyber Security across CI sectors

This proposed legislation will bolster cyber security across the financial, telecommunications, energy, and transportation sectors which lays a foundation for securing Canada’s CI.

UK releases the Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Bill

It supports the rollout of future-proof, gigabit-capable broadband and 5G networks, and better protects networks and infrastructure against the harms enabled through insecure consumer connectable products.

Networks & Cooperation
Hybrid Threats: EU Integrated Resolve 2022 Exercise

The EU has tested its preparedness and capacity to effectively manage complex, cross-sectoral crises. It has also helped strengthen EU cooperation with NATO.

EU-NATO taskforce on resilience and critical infrastructure

EU and NATO agreed to create a taskforce on resilience and critical infrastructure protection against potential threats as well as to take action to mitigate potential vulnerabilities.

Research Findings & Uptake
SICt project fosters Cross-border Critical Transport Infrastructure

Interreg SICt project proposes an operational decision support tool to manage and protect critical transport infrastructures between Italy and Switzerland.

Guidance for Natech Risk Management

It addresses operators of hazardous industrial sites and national authorities, discussing Natech risk challenges as well as identification and modelling of scenarios.

EC-EMSA Guidance on Maritime Security

This document provides guidance to assist Member States in achieving a harmonised and effective implementation of Union law in the field of maritime security.

Defending critical infrastructure: The challenge of securing industrial control systems

It attempts to illuminate the role of industrial control systems in CI, and present examples that demonstrate the vulnerabilities of industrial operations to cyber incidents.

Enhancing Climate-Resilient Infrastructure Systems

The paper presents barriers for successful transfer of research outputs into practice of infrastructure operations, providing recommendations to overcome them.

Rebalancing Europe’s gas supply

This study shows that Europe can progressively rebalance its gas supply and replace Russian gas imports well before 2030, despite short term challenges and significant impact to society.

Towards a better Governance and Integrity of the European Standardisation System

The Parliament and Council reached a political agreement on rules to strengthen EU’s role as a global standard-setter and modernise the governance of the European standardisation system.

A CEN Technical Specification for Public Transport Networks

The newly approved European standard contributes to the spreading of Intelligent Transport Systems. It provides guidelines for the Situation Exchange service for public transport.

New standardized requirements for Electrical Compatibility in Railways

This new standard establishes requirements for the electrical aspects to achieve technical compatibility between rolling stock and electric traction systems.

ICT products: a new standard to implement Cybersecurity by design

The first standard that implements by design the requirements of the European Cybersecurity Act, establishing the rules for future cybersecurity certification schemes in Europe.

Reports & Perspectives
Violent extremist attack plots against CI in the US

This report analyses the domestic violent extremist and homegrown violent extremist threat to critical infrastructure in the United States (2016-2022).

CISA Strategic Plan 2023-2025

This Strategic Plan represents a forward-leaning and unified approach to achieving USA vision of ensuring secure and resilient critical infrastructure.

World Energy Outlook 2022

This study examines the full spectrum of energy issues to advocate policies that will enhance the reliability, affordability and sustainability of energy.

Canadian Cyber Threat Assessment

This National Cyber Threat Assessment 2023-2024 focuses on five cyber threat narratives that are the most dynamic and impactful and that will continue to drive cyber threat activity in the future.

ESMA Strategy 2023-2028

It takes into account the key priorities of the Union in the area of financial services and aims to address the most significant risks linked to EU financial markets.

State of Quantum Computing 2022

This report gives a holistic overview of the current state of play in quantum computing: the technology, its applications, the state of the emerging industry and key components.

Gas Market Report 2022

It provides IEA forecasts on natural gas markets as well as in-depth analysis of recent developments in global gas demand, supply and trade, including Global Gas Security Review 2022.

Strategic Crisis Management in the EU

This Evidence Review Report focuses on the generic principles and frameworks for strategic crisis management that are relevant to the role of the EU, including CI resilience aspects.

Progress Report on the implementation of the EU Security Union Strategy

This report gives a mid-term overview of the implementation of the Strategy, highlighting what has been achieved, and what still needs to be done, by the end of this Commission’s mandate.

Podcast Series
World Economic Forum

The World Economic Forum podcast collection provides an in-depth look at some of the most important global challenges, including infrastructure resilience.

Global Infrastructure Hub

The Global Infrastructure Hub’s podcast showcases new and emerging technology-based solutions to infrastructure challenges.

Upcoming Events
International Conference on Homeland Security and Critical Infrastructure Resilience 2023

It aims to gather leading academic scientists, researchers and practitioners to exchange and share their experiences and research results on the subject matter.

date 20/02/2023 - 21/02/2023
venue Rome, Italy
See also Website
Cyber Intelligence Europe 2023 Conference

This international event brings together leading cyber security officials from across Europe and North America to discuss the latest national cyber security strategies and policies.

date 28/02/2023 - 01/03/2023
venue Bern, Switzerland
See also Website
Critical Infrastructure Protection & Resilience North America (CIPRNA) 2023

The conference will deliver discussions on critical infrastructure protection, management and security issues, and challenges ahead.

date 07/03/2023 - 09/03/2023
venue Baton Rouge, Louisiana
See also Website
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ISSN: 2600-3570