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Hybrid Threats: EU Integrated Resolve 2022 Exercise

The EU has tested its preparedness and capacity to effectively manage complex, cross-sectoral crises. It has also helped strengthen EU cooperation with NATO.

Image from Pixabay

date:  14/01/2023

See alsoPress Release

The EU has concluded the EU Integrated Resolve 2022, a joint exercise co-led by the Council of the European Union, the European Commission and the European External Action Service. The exercise will help to enhance the EU's ability to respond to a complex, hybrid crisis with both an internal and an external dimension.

EU Integrated Resolve 2022 also helped strengthen EU cooperation with NATO. In particular, this was an opportunity to test their respective crisis management procedures and to coordinate at multiple staff-to- staff levels.

Overall, EU Integrated Resolve 2022 offered a valuable and timely opportunity to test the EU's response to hybrid campaigns, following the adoption of Council Conclusions on a Coordinated EU Response to Hybrid Campaigns. It was also in line with the EU Strategic Compass, which provides a shared assessment of possible threats and guidance as to EU response.

This successful wide-scale exercise is one of the concrete actions taken to improve the EU preparedness and response mechanisms and related decision-making processes.