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Major milestones for Jive 1 and Jive 2

Important achievements for JIVE 1 and JIVE 2 projects, who have already deployed 230 zero-emission fuel cell buses across 16 European cities and regions.

date:  05/07/2022

Road traffic is a major source of greenhouse gases (GHG) and pollutants, which have a negative impact on health and ecosystem, in particular in densely populated areas. Poor air quality and renewed focus on reducing GHG emissions remain a concern for European urban areas. Hydrogen fuel cell (FC) buses are one of the few options to reduce harmful local emissions and decarbonise public transport.

The JIVE and JIVE 2 projects (Joint Initiative for Hydrogen Vehicles across Europe), which started in January 2017 and January 2018 respectively, have the potential and the ambition to up-scale the roll-out of the technology in the near future.

At the moment, the JIVE initiative has achieved major milestones:

  • 230 hydrogen fuel cell buses are in operation on public transport routes, reaching already 77% of the total objective of 298 buses.
  • 9 hydrogen refuelling stations (HRS) have become operational and 2 additional ones have been recently launched in Birmingham and Barcelona

As integrated part of the project, an additional comprehensive data monitoring and assessment will provide knowledge for future dissemination campaign and will stimulate further large-scale uptake of fuel cell vehicles.

More information about the project: