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Promoting SOTEU 2023 on Your Websites

Promoting SOTEU 2023 on Your Websites

date:  04/09/2023

DG COMM is encouraging DGs to help promote the President’s State of the European Union (SOTEU) speech online. A great way to do this is by temporarily adding a banner to your Europa website and linking to the dedicated SOTEU website. COMM B.3 and SPP will be updating the webpage before, during and after the speech on 13 September, so no need to continually update links on your side.

We suggest using a banner that can be added as a hero banner or carousel banner in EWPP. Banners and other approved SOTEU visuals can be found in the Web Community group on Teams, in the  visuals file folder.

Translations of the slogan, ‘Towards the State of the Union 2023, Discover Why it Matters’ and a short descriptive text are also available. Examples can be seen on the EC core site homepage and the EU site homepage.

You might also want to link to webpages that will feature personal stories from across the EU that reflect the achievements connected to the Commission’s political priorities. There you will find visual stories that speak to specific accomplishments linked to your DG’s policy area. The teaser for these pages is already online, but they will be fully published on 6 September at this future URL:

Thank you for your cooperation and support.

Please contact if you have any questions.