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"Europa Support - Europa Web Publishing Platform - Newsletter" Newsletter Issues

Date Subject Language
24/04/2024 Europa Support - Europa Web Publishing Platform - EWPP migration to EKS infrastructure
11/04/2024 Europa Support - Europa Web Publishing Platform - Content Sharing Workshop: Please fill in the preparation survey!
10/04/2024 Europa Support - Europa Web Publishing Platform - Information about release 26
09/04/2024 Europa Support - Europa Web Publishing Platform - Unavailability of Translation Applications
04/04/2024 Europa Support - Europa Web Publishing Platform - Scheduled deployment of release 25 (UPDATE II)
26/03/2024 Europa Support - Europa Web Publishing Platform - Scheduled deployment of release 25 (Update)
13/03/2024 Europa Support - Europa Web Publishing Platform - Scheduled deployment of release 25
11/03/2024 Europa Support - Europa Web Publishing Platform - Unavailability of Translation Applications
01/03/2024 Europa Support - Europa Web Publishing Platform - Temporary issues on EWPP sites
23/02/2024 Europa Support - Europa Web Publishing Platform - Unavailability of Translation Applications