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Seasons greetings, everyone!

Welcome to last Building Block Bulletin of the year. We're ending 2019 with a bang: 120 people joined us during a 2-day workshop to Meet eArchiving on 3 and 4 December, our eTranslation Building Block's language count is up to 27 with the recent addition of Russian, and we've released a video to explain to you how eID can help fight disinformation & protect children from age-restricted content. Something for everyone for the holidays.

Are you innovating in the field of blockchain? Would you like to help shape the future of blockchain in the EU? We're interested in hearing your thoughts - join our consultation here.

As it is the end of the year, we want to take this moment to thank you for your continued support of the CEF programme and its Building Blocks. Together, we've worked tirelessly at making European business, public administrations and ultimately citizens benefit from digital transformation. We are #ConnectingEurope.

Here's to wonderful holidays, and an amazing 2020,

The CEF Digital team.

Success Stories / Policy
Europe Meets eArchiving!

On 3 - 4 December 2019, eArchiving specialists and enthusiasts attended the workshop "Meet eArchiving" in Brussels, Belgium. Visit the workshop's webpage to see the agenda, speakers and see the presentations and (soon) recordings.

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Да! CEF eTranslation now translates to and from Russian!

The Connecting Europe Faculty (CEF) eTranslation Building Block can now process requests between English (EN) and Russian (RU). eTranslation provides high-quality machine translation for the 24 official languages of the EU, Icelandic and Norwegian.

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CEF Big Data Building Block presented at European Court of Auditors event

On 27-28 November 2019, the European Court of Auditors organised the conference on “Big and open data for EU supreme audit institutions”.

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What else is new?
Technical update
VIDEO: How can eID provide a safer internet?

Do you want to know how electronic identification (eID) has the potential to help tackle online disinformation and protect minors and children from accessing websites that have age restrictions in place?

Watch the video!

Blockchain - ESSIF Stakeholder meeting

The European Blockchain Partnership is pleased to invite you to the second edition of the European Self Sovereign Identity Framework (ESSIF) user group stakeholder meeting, taking place in Brussels on Wednesday 15 January 2020 from 9:30-13:00.

More info & registrations

SMEs of Europe: take part in our Digital Innovation Challenge!

If you're a European startup and SME active in the digital economy, you could be eligible for our Innovation Challenge and win up to €50.000 in prize money! Want to find out more? Register for the info session on 30 January!

More info & registrations

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