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  21 March 2019  
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In this edition

Hello everyone, 

We've improved the CEF Digital site! It now provides users with clearer home pages, describing the Building Blocks in a more comprehensible and digestible way. This helps first-time visitors quickly understand if and how a Building Block will help their project. Our "Get Started" pages help users pick up the Building Blocks in an easier way through step by step guidance. Take a look at the new CEF Digital design to discover the new features and let us know what you think.

Don't forget that the 2019 calls for proposals is open for eTranslation (€ 4 million), eID (€ 4.5 million), eSignature (€ 0.5 million), eDelivery (€ 1 million) and eInvoicing (€ 6.2 million)Apply by 14 May 2019 !

And, as ever, regardless if you are completely new to the CEF programme, or an experienced implementer wanted to get started with another Building Block, tell us more about your project and we'll help you get started. 

Let's connect Europe, together.

Kind regards,

The CEF Digital Team

Estonia: The power of sharing knowledge in digital archiving

eArchiving has helped the National Archives of Estonia gain years' worth of technical work, and how you can achieve the same.

Learn how

CEF Digital Service Infrastructures are gaining in popularity: Q4 2018 reuse figures published


The latest figures for the last quarter of 2018 confirm again that the CEF Digital Service Infrastructures are gaining in popularity and seeing their uptake grow quarter after quarter.

See latest figures

CEF eSignature validation test cases are now available

These test cases help CEF eSignature users to validate their implementation of eIDAS requirements regarding electronic signatures.

See validation test cases

The potential of electronic identification under eIDAS in the banking sector

The European Commission has been exploring how electronic identification under eIDAS could be leveraged by the banking sector to comply with Know-Your-Customers' (KYC) requirements under the fourth Anti-Money Laundering Directive (4th AMLD); and to guarantee strong authentication requirements of parties in the context of the revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2).

Read more

eInvoicing Code Lists: VATEX Published, EAS Updated

Electronic invoices can contain a variety of information in various data types. To allow for cross-border interoperability, information in code form can only contain values which are chosen from specific code lists that are identified in the European standard on eInvoicing.

Learn how to use the code list you need

Smart Cities Webinar: Q&A Published

See the written answers to those questions we couldn't manage to answer online and listen to the Q&A recording (published separate recordings for the various Q&A sessions to help you find the info you need.).

See Q&A and recording

eDelivery and airline companies working together on the Passenger Name Record (PNR)

On 27 March 2019 (15:00 - 16:30 CET), the CEF eDelivery team will hold the eDelivery Live webinar for the PNR Community. This Webinar targets airline companies and aimsto raise awareness about the AS4 protocol and promote its use in the context of the Passenger Name Record (PNR) Directive.

Register here

CEF eArchiving also for Germany?

On 25 April 2019 (13:00 - 17:00) in Berlin, the CEF eArchiving team will present the CEF eArchiving Building Block and EARK4ALL specifications. Data is continuously being produced and digital archiving is a necessity for any European Member State. This workshop targets German archiving institutions.

Register here

CEF eArchiving Geopreservation conference


On 6-7 May 2019 in Ljubljana, the eArchiving team, the E-ARK4ALL Consortium, the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia, and the company Geoarh are pleased to invite you to the eArchiving Geopreservation Conference. This event targets producers of geospatial information, archives, data repositories and solution providers.

Register here

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