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Have a look at the Context Broker implementation journeys

Thinking of implementing a Context Broker project? Or do you want to simply learn how Context Broker can be used in a real use case? We make provide all the necessary elements in order to start building your own solution by following three real-life implementations in: forest fire prevention, heritage conservation and healthy leisure recommendations.

Rotterdam's local government's use of eArchiving

Digital data plays a crucial role in Europe's digital transformation. When it comes to the public sector, moving from paper to digital benefits citizens and businesses, while promoting innovation and economic growth in the EU. Rotterdam's city archive is using eArchiving to improve its digital records' availability.

eInvoicing helping standardise transactional data in Estonia

Running a business can be daunting. In addition to everyday obligations, there are complex accounting responsibilities involving many time-consuming administrative tasks. Using the eInvoicing Building Block, the Estonian "Internet of Business" project aims to develop a secure and standardised network based on the real-time economy concept.

Portuguese hospital improves patient care with the use of eArchiving

One of the biggest challenges facing healthcare institutions today is making patients' information readily available without compromising their privacy. eArchiving is helping Portugal's São João University Hospital Center do that by archiving clinical records that date back to 1959.

eDelivery's role in the monitoring of goods entering the EU

The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union (DG TAXUD) has a new import control system. It comes as a significant reinforcement of the Customs Union's "first line of defence" against security and safety threats posed by illicit traffic in goods across the EU's external borders and is built using eDelivery.

Context Broker's contribution in the fight against leukaemia

When his grandfather was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) in 2018, Adam Milton-Baker felt compelled to try and do something to help other families that may face the same fight in the future and turned to the Context Broker when building his solution.

EBSI highlights 19

###TEST### We are pleased to announce the release of the EBSI v2 documentation. This documentation provides you with an overview of the current stage of development of the EBSI project and the release of the pre-production environment.

Technical update 19

On 17 June 2021, the Commission released the latest EBSI v2.0.0 APIs (v2.0.0-rc.5) to the pre-production environment. This release includes significant performance improvements to the full array of core services. The users onboarding Webapp, API catalogue and EBSI console will enhance the users' experience.

eArchiving Electronic records management survey

You are invited to complete this survey about the trends and export capabilities of current Electronic Records Management Systems (ERMS). It should take you approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. Please respond before the 14 June 2021.