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Training for public administrations on participatory processes

CC-DEMOS is developing a training package for EU public administrations at local, regional and national level to support their capacity in engaging citizens in policymaking through co-creation and deliberative processes.

date:  20/07/2023

One of the objectives of the Competence Centre on Participatory and Deliberative Democracy is to build capacity in designing, implementing and evaluating citizen engagement processes across EU Member States. In collaboration with Danish Board of Technology and ifok, the Competence Centre is developing a full training package on participatory processes specifically targeted to local, regional and national public administrations (civil servants, policy officials and elected officials) and to future trainers in the EU. The training package features both a basic and advanced level of competence in citizen engagement. Key to the development of this training package is the running of pilots aimed at testing the quality and usefulness of the material to public administration. In June, we run in-person pilots in local language in DK and PL, and one online pilot in EN. We are extremely thankful to all the participants to the pilots who shared with us their feedbacks to build a training that is fit-for-purpose and fully supportive of public administrations’ effort to engage citizens in their decision-making cycle. Still some important work on the way. We are now in the phase of evaluating the pilots and revising the training material. Last but not least, we still have one important pilot to run at the beginning of 2024 and this will be for future trainers in DK. We aim to finalise the training package by May 2024 and make it available online soon thereafter. For any further queries, please contact: