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Item Overview

Join us for the 5th Festival

Find out more and register for the Citizen Participation and Deliberative Democracy Festival in Brussels from June 12-14th.


INSPIRE (Intersectional Space of Participation: Inclusive, Resilient, Embedded) aims to strengthen intersectional inclusion within participatory deliberative processes.

ERC Report on Democracy

The report presents European Research Council-funded projects working on challenges confronting democratic systems as well as the resilience of democratic principles and civic engagement.

Citizen Engagement Impacts Workshop - Follow up on the event

CC-DEMOS has recently initiated an in-depth and interdisciplinary study on the impacts of citizen engagement in policymaking. The study consists of various research and collaborative activities, and will be followed by a comprehensive report crafted to support practitioners, academics and policymakers in their efforts to create policy impact by using participatory methods. As a launching event, a first collaborative workshop on citizen engagement impacts has taken place on 21st June 2023. The event has welcomed a variety of participants interested in contributing the discussion on the multiplicity of impacts that citizen engagement has across Europe and beyond. The participants, who represented both academia and the European Commission, were ask to share their stories on impacts and reflect on such questions as how to frame, define and identify the most important areas in which the impact has been taking place. This mapping exercise on the impacts of citizen engagement has led to some initial conclusions that citizen engagement is an effective tool for shaping policy process in case of particularly complex policy issues that require innovatory approach, contextual knowledge and are multi stakeholder orientated. Also, citizen engagement is deemed as a general tool for improving the quality of democracy.

Summit for Democracy 2023

Find out what the cohort is working on and aiming to achieve as part of U.S. President Biden's 2023 Summit for Democracy (Cohort launch 17th January - Register now).