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Follow-up to the workshop on impacts of citizen engagement

CC-DEMOS initiated a study on the impacts of citizen engagement in policymaking. Read the short follow-up summary.

date:  06/07/2023

The European Commission’s Competence Centre on Participatory and Deliberative Democracy (CC-DEMOS) hosted an online workshop on 21 June 2023 “Exploring Impacts of Citizen Engagement in Policymaking”, thus kicking-off a new interdisciplinary study on the same subject. The event welcomed more than 30 participants – scholars, practitioners, European Commission and several executive agencies’ policy administrators, who all shared an interest in understanding the scope of what constitutes impact, how it emerges, and how it can be known. The participants were asked to share a story from their own experience or research illustrating impact, and were encouraged to reflect and consider on the underlying enabling factors and conditions. Participants’ contributions throughout the workshop laid the conceptual foundation for the study. The CC-DEMOS will use these as guideposts for its research, and will report back to the Community of Practice as the study shapes up. The wordcloud reflects the participants’ own understandings of impact, suggesting that the impacts of citizen engagement go beyond the notion of change. Stay tuned for more emergent insights and drop us a line in case you’d be interested to know more: