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Last chance to register to GLOBAL INVESTORS CALL

EU Borrowing: update on the European Union’s funding plan

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date:  14/12/2023 - 14/12/2023

RegistrationFor more details and to register

Dear Sir or Madam,

The European Commission, on behalf of the European Union, rated AAA (Fitch) / Aaa (Moodys’) / AA+ (S&P) / (AAA) Scope, is organising the following event on 14 December 2023:

GLOBAL INVESTORS CALL – EU Borrowing: update on the European Union’s funding.

The focus of this call will be to brief the market on the evolution of the European Union’s issuances and of the funding plan for H1 2024.

This virtual event will start at 10:00 CET on 14 December 2023 and will be held via web streaming. The duration of the call will be approximately 30 min.

Please register for this event by 12 December 2023 (close of business) , using the following link.


EU Investor Relations team

The EU as a borrower – investor relations | European Commission (