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EU Budget Talks: "The cost of non-Europe and European value added"

In a period of global challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, ongoing war close to Europe’s borders and the context of climate emergency, the European Union’s capacity of creating further “EU value added” is more important than ever.

date:  20/04/2023

venue:  Online

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As shown in the European Parliamentary Research Service's (EPRS) recent study, “Increasing European added value in an age of global challenges - Mapping the cost of non-Europe”, the EU could achieve clear additional benefits from a joint action effort, compared to separate action taken by its Member States.

Lauro PANELLA, Head of Unit of the European Value Added unit of the European Parliamentary Research Service, will discuss the findings and conclusions of this study in our next “EU Budget Talk” in conversation with Alexandr HOBZA, chief economist of DG RTD, who will focus on the role of research and innovation policy, and Lourdes ACEDO MONTOYA, Head of Unit of MFF and Economic and Budgetary Analysis in DG BUDG, who will discuss the role of the EU Budget in creating European value added.

The event will take place online on 20 April from 12:00. The discussion will be followed by an open Q&A.