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Rural Voices report

date:  21/06/2021

The ‘Rural Voices’ report provides a qualitative analysis of the findings from stakeholder workshops contributing to the long-term vision for rural areas.

This ENRD report records the hopes and concerns of more than 3000 rural citizens from 19 different EU countries who participated in a series of workshops aimed at encouraging rural citizens to reflect on the situation of their own rural area and how it might change over the next 20 years, what developments they would like to see and the conditions and policies needed to reach their future vision. The discussions were organised with the support of a Workshop Package ‘Welcome to our rural’ prepared by the European Commission together with the ENRD, to promote stakeholder involvement in the future Vision.

National Rural Networks played a pivotal role in helping people from across rural Europe to share their ideas, hopes and vision for the future that are captured in the report. Its content reflects the diversity of European rural areas and include a range of thematic messages, some common strands and suggestions for change identified, as well as many quotes from the rural voices who helped to contribute to its findings.