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ENRD support for LEADER Cooperation

date:  21/11/2016

The ENRD Contact Point is working to improve the implementation of LEADER transnational cooperation (TNC) in the 2014-2020 period by producing dedicated factsheets and supporting a Practitioner-led Working Group.

The factsheets overview national and regional rules and procedures on LEADER/CLLD Cooperation. Specifically, they include information on each Rural Development Programme in terms of: project selection processes; budget allocation; and eligibility of beneficiaries, actions and costs. The factsheets will be continuously uploaded on the ENRD website as they become available.

The Practitioner-led Working Group will work to identify possibilities for harmonisation of rules and procedures, as well as to build the capacities of Local Action Groups (LAGs), Managing Authorities (MAs) and Paying Agencies (PAs). It kicked off its activities in August 2016 and is expected to produce a first set of proposals in February 2017. For more information, contact