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LEADER/CLLD implementation: insights from LAGs

date:  28/08/2018

Explore the insights of Local Action Groups (LAGs) from across Europe on LEADER/CLLD implementation, including use of the LEADER principles, operation and desired improvements for the future, in the ENRD LAG survey results report.

The survey results draw on LAGs’ implementation experiences and suggest how these can be improved. Selected findings include that the bottom-up approach is the most highly valued principle, staff spend most time supporting project development and would like to do more of this. 

Many respondents perceive that their available time and resources for local animation and innovation support is constrained by administrative and reporting requirements. There is a common perspective that greater simplification and better coordination at all levels throughout the LEADER delivery system would improve implementation. There is a desire for higher levels of autonomy and responsibility, which many LAGs believe would positively influence achievement.

With 710 responses received from 27 EU Member States, this is the largest and most comprehensive LEADER survey ever conducted. See also highlights of key findings in the latest edition of the Rural Connections Magazine, pp. 12-13.