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Service sectors
Requirement Status of the act Notification Date
Applicability National reference number Further Information
Tourism A quantitative and territorial restriction, in particular in the form of limits fixed according to population or of a minimum geographical distance between providers; A quantitative and territorial restriction, in particular in the form of limits fixed according to population or of a minimum geographical distance between providers Final
Only establishment; Only establishment Lei n.º 56/2023, de 6 de outubro Further Informationpdf
Retail, Sport/Leisure, Other Another obligation imposed on cross border service providers Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services RESOLUÇÃO DO CONSELHO DE MINISTROS N.º 101-A/2021, de 30 de julho Further Informationpdf
Retail Another obligation imposed on cross border service providers Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services RESOLUÇÃO DO CONSELHO DE MINISTROS N.º 101-A/2021, de 30 de julho Further Informationpdf
Beauty, Retail, Other Another obligation imposed on cross border service providers Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services RESOLUÇÃO DO CONSELHO DE MINISTROS N.º 101-A/2021, de 30 de julho Further Informationpdf
Other Another obligation imposed on cross border service providers Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services RESOLUÇÃO DO CONSELHO DE MINISTROS N.º 101-A/2021, de 30 de julho Further Informationpdf
Other / Exercício da atividade por organização de avaliação de proficiência linguística de pilotos de aeronave An obligation on a provider to take a specific legal form Draft
Only establishment Regulamento n.º /2020 Further Informationpdf