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Service sectors
Requirement Status of the act Notification Date
Applicability National reference number Further Information
Construction A requirement, other than those concerning matters covered by Directive 2005/36/EC or provided for in other Community instruments, which reserves access to the service activity in question to particular providers by virtue of the specific nature of the activity Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services ENEL2226847R Further Informationpdf
Construction An obligation on a service provider to obtain an authorisation from a competent authority, including entry in a register or registration with a professional body or association in our territory, except where provided for in the Services Directive or other instruments in Community law Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services TREP2302165D Further Informationpdf
Business services An obligation on a service provider to obtain an authorisation from a competent authority, including entry in a register or registration with a professional body or association in our territory, except where provided for in the Services Directive or other instruments in Community law Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services TREP2302165D Further Informationpdf
not sector specific A requirement, other than those concerning matters covered by Directive 2005/36/EC or provided for in other Community instruments, which reserves access to the service activity in question to particular providers by virtue of the specific nature of the activity Draft
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services TREP2224508A Further Informationpdf
Other A quantitative or territorial restriction, in particular in the form of limits fixed according to population or of a minimum geographical distance between providers Draft
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services A déterminer Further Informationpdf
Environment A requirement, other than those concerning matters covered by Directive 2005/36/EC or provided for in other Community instruments, which reserves access to the service activity in question to particular providers by virtue of the specific nature of the activity Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services TREP2133425A Further Informationpdf
Construction A requirement, other than those concerning matters covered by Directive 2005/36/EC or provided for in other Community instruments, which reserves access to the service activity in question to particular providers by virtue of the specific nature of the activity Draft
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services LOGL2126600D Further Informationpdf
Construction A requirement, other than those concerning matters covered by Directive 2005/36/EC or provided for in other Community instruments, which reserves access to the service activity in question to particular providers by virtue of the specific nature of the activity Draft
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Non encore déterminé. Acte juridique à l'état de projet. Further Informationpdf
Retail A quantitative and territorial restriction, in particular in the form of limits fixed according to population or of a minimum geographical distance between providers Final
Only establishment TREX2100379L Further Informationpdf
Environment A requirement, other than those concerning matters covered by Directive 2005/36/EC or provided for in other Community instruments, which reserves access to the service activity in question to particular providers by virtue of the specific nature of the activity Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services NOR : LOGL2027846D ; NOR : LOGL2027847A Further Informationpdf
Construction A requirement, other than those concerning matters covered by Directive 2005/36/EC or provided for in other Community instruments, which reserves access to the service activity in question to particular providers by virtue of the specific nature of the activity Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services LOGL2107359A Further Informationpdf
Construction A requirement, other than those concerning matters covered by Directive 2005/36/EC or provided for in other Community instruments, which reserves access to the service activity in question to particular providers by virtue of the specific nature of the activity Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services LOGL2107359A Further Informationpdf
Construction A requirement, other than those concerning matters covered by Directive 2005/36/EC or provided for in other Community instruments, which reserves access to the service activity in question to particular providers by virtue of the specific nature of the activity Draft
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Non encore déterminé car l'acte constitue un projet. Further Informationpdf
Construction A requirement, other than those concerning matters covered by Directive 2005/36/EC or provided for in other Community instruments, which reserves access to the service activity in question to particular providers by virtue of the specific nature of the activity Draft
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services NOR : LOGL2114161D Further Informationpdf
Business services A requirement, other than those concerning matters covered by Directive 2005/36/EC or provided for in other Community instruments, which reserves access to the service activity in question to particular providers by virtue of the specific nature of the activity Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Décret n°91-1125 du 28 octobre 1991 relatif aux conditions d'accès à la profession d'avocat au Conseil d'Etat et à la Cour de cassation Further Informationpdf
Other Another obligation imposed on cross border service providers; A quantitative or territorial restriction, in particular in the form of limits fixed according to population or of a minimum geographical distance between provider Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services NOR : SSAZ2029612D Further Informationpdf
Sport/Leisure Another obligation imposed on cross border service providers; A quantitative or territorial restriction, in particular in the form of limits fixed according to population or of a minimum geographical distance between provider Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services NOR : SSAZ2029612D Further Informationpdf
Educational/Cultural, Sport/Leisure Another obligation imposed on cross border service providers; A quantitative or territorial restriction, in particular in the form of limits fixed according to population or of a minimum geographical distance between provider Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services NOR : SSAZ2029612D Further Informationpdf
Beauty, Educational/Cultural, Retail, Tourism Another obligation imposed on cross border service providers; A quantitative or territorial restriction, in particular in the form of limits fixed according to population or of a minimum geographical distance between provider Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services NOR : SSAZ2029612D Further Informationpdf
Retail A requirement, other than those concerning matters covered by Directive 2005/36/EC or provided for in other Community instruments, which reserves access to the service activity in question to particular providers by virtue of the specific nature of the activity Final
Only establishment no 2020-1254 NOR : ECOI2003215D Further Informationpdf
Retail A requirement, other than those concerning matters covered by Directive 2005/36/EC or provided for in other Community instruments, which reserves access to the service activity in question to particular providers by virtue of the specific nature of the activity Final
Only establishment décret no 2020-1253, NOR ECOI1925134D Further Informationpdf
Educational/Cultural A requirement, other than those concerning matters covered by Directive 2005/36/EC or provided for in other Community instruments, which reserves access to the service activity in question to particular providers by virtue of the specific nature of the activity Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services NOR : TERL1806292A Further Informationpdf
Construction A requirement, other than those concerning matters covered by Directive 2005/36/EC or provided for in other Community instruments, which reserves access to the service activity in question to particular providers by virtue of the specific nature of the activity Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services NOR : TERL1806292A Further Informationpdf
Retail A requirement laying down fixed minimum and/or maximum tariffs with which the provider must comply Final
Only establishment NOR: SSAZ2008253D Further Informationpdf
Other/Funeral A quantitative or territorial restriction, in particular in the form of limits fixed according to population or of a minimum geographical distance between providers; Another obligation imposed on cross border service providers Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services NOR: SSAZ2008253D Further Informationpdf
Educational/Cultural A quantitative or territorial restriction, in particular in the form of limits fixed according to population or of a minimum geographical distance between providers; Another obligation imposed on cross border service providers Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services NOR: SSAZ2008253D Further Informationpdf
Beauty, Educational/Cultural, Retail, Sport/Leisure, Tourism A quantitative or territorial restriction, in particular in the form of limits fixed according to population or of a minimum geographical distance between providers; Another obligation imposed on cross border service providers Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services NOR: SSAZ2008253D Further Informationpdf
Manufacturing/Industry A requirement, other than those concerning matters covered by Directive 2005/36/EC or provided for in other Community instruments, which reserves access to the service activity in question to particular providers by virtue of the specific nature of the activity Draft
Only establishment TRET2007448D Further Informationpdf
Retail A quantitative and territorial restriction, in particular in the form of limits fixed according to population or of a minimum geographical distance between providers Final
Only establishment ECOI1929035C Further Informationpdf
Retail A quantitative and territorial restriction, in particular in the form of limits fixed according to population or of a minimum geographical distance between providers Final
Only establishment 2019-795 Further Informationpdf
Other / Mise sur le marché, mise en vente, distribution et conseil à l’utilisation de produits phytosanitaires lorsque ces activités sont exercées à titre professionnel. A requirement which relates to the shareholding of a company Final
Only establishment 2019-361 Further Informationpdf