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Service sectors
Requirement Status of the act Notification Date
Applicability National reference number Further Information
Other A requirement, other than those concerning matters covered by Directive 2005/36/EC or provided for in other Community instruments, which reserves access to the service activity in question to particular providers by virtue of the specific nature of the activity Final
Only establishment objava u Narodnim novinama broj 38/2022 Further Informationpdf
Other A requirement, other than those concerning matters covered by Directive 2005/36/EC or provided for in other Community instruments, which reserves access to the service activity in question to particular providers by virtue of the specific nature of the activity Final
Only establishment Zakon o autorskom pravu i srodnim pravima (Narodne novine br. 111/2021) Further Informationpdf
Other An obligation on a provider to take a specific legal form Final
Only establishment NN 6/23 Further Informationpdf
Agriculture/Raw materials, Retail An obligation on a service provider to make a declaration to or to notify a competent authority in our territory Draft
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services - Further Informationpdf
Environment A requirement fixing a minimum number of employees Final
Only cross-border provision of services Narodne novine, broj 127/19 Further Informationpdf
Other An obligation on a service provider to make a declaration to or to notify a competent authority in our territory Draft
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Ne još Further Informationpdf
Business services A requirement fixing a minimum number of employees Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services NN 60/2019 Further Informationpdf
Environment, Manufacturing/Industry An obligation on the provider to possess an identity document issued by our competent authorities specific to the exercise of a service activity Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Narodne novine, broj 127/19 Further Informationpdf
Rental services A quantitative or territorial restriction, in particular in the form of limits fixed according to population or of a minimum geographical distance between providers Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Narodne novine, broj 99/2018 Further Informationpdf
Services to individuals An obligation on a service provider to make a declaration to or to notify a competent authority in our territory Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Zakon o djelatnosti psihoterapije (Narodne novine, broj: 64/18) Further Informationpdf
Services to individuals An obligation on a service provider to obtain an authorisation from a competent authority, including entry in a register or registration with a professional body or association in our territory, except where provided for in the Services Directive or other instruments in Community law Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Zakon o djelatnosti psihoterapije (Narodne novine, broj: 64/18) Further Informationpdf
Services to individuals, Other An obligation on a service provider to take out insurance or to subscribe to a guarantee or similar arrangement Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Zakon o socijalnopedagoškoj djelatnosti (Narodne novine, broj: 98/19) Further Informationpdf
Services to individuals, Other An obligation on a service provider to obtain an authorisation from a competent authority, including entry in a register or registration with a professional body or association in our territory, except where provided for in the Services Directive or other instruments in Community law Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Zakon o socijalno pedagoškoj djelatnosti (Narodne novine, broj: 98/19) Further Informationpdf
Services to individuals, Other An obligation on a service provider to take out insurance or to subscribe to a guarantee or similar arrangement Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Zakon o djelatnosti socijalnog rada (Narodne novine, broj: 16/19) Further Informationpdf
Services to individuals, Other An obligation on a service provider to obtain an authorisation from a competent authority, including entry in a register or registration with a professional body or association in our territory, except where provided for in the Services Directive or other instruments in Community law Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Zakon o djelatnosti socijalnog rada (Narodne novine, broj: 16/19), Statut Hrvatske komore socijalnih radnika … Further Informationpdf
Services to individuals, Other An obligation on a service provider to take out insurance or to subscribe to a guarantee or similar arrangement Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Zakon o psihološkoj djelatnosti (Narodne novine, broj: 98/19) Further Informationpdf
Services to individuals, Other An obligation on a service provider to obtain an authorisation from a competent authority, including entry in a register or registration with a professional body or association in our territory, except where provided for in the Services Directive or other instruments in Community law Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Zakon o psihološkoj djelatnosti (Narodne novine, broj: 98/19), Statut Hrvatske psihološke komore, Odluka o visini članarine za 2019. godinu… Further Informationpdf
Services to individuals, Other An obligation on a service provider to make a declaration to or to notify a competent authority in our territory Final
Only cross-border provision of services Zakon o edukacijsko-rehabilitacijskoj djelatnosti Further Informationpdf
Services to individuals A requirement fixing a minimum number of employees Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Zakon o socijalnoj skrbi (157/13., 152/14., 99/15., 52/16., 16/17. i 130/17), Pravilnik o minimalnim uvjetima za pružanje socijalnih usluga („Narodne novine“ broj: 40/14., 15/66.) hr Further Informationpdf
Services to individuals An obligation on a service provider to take out insurance or to subscribe to a guarantee or similar arrangement Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Zakon o dadiljama („Narodne novine“, broj: 37/13. i 98/19.), Further Informationpdf
Services to individuals An obligation on a provider to take a specific legal form Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Zakon o dadiljama (Narodne novine, broj: 37/13. i 98/19.), Pravilnik o uvjetima prostora, opremljenosti prostora … Further Informationpdf
Tourism An obligation on a service provider to take out insurance or to subscribe to a guarantee or similar arrangement Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Narodne novine, broj 130/17 Further Informationpdf
Tourism An obligation on the provider to possess an identity document issued by our competent authorities specific to the exercise of a service activity Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Narodne novine, broj 130/17 Further Informationpdf
Tourism An obligation on the provider to possess an identity document issued by our competent authorities specific to the exercise of a service activity Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Narodne novine, broj 130/17 Further Informationpdf
Tourism A requirement, other than those concerning matters covered by Directive 2005/36/EC or provided for in other Community instruments, which reserves access to the service activity in question to particular providers by virtue of the specific nature of the activity Final
Only establishment Narodne novine, broj 130/17 Further Informationpdf
Tourism An obligation on the provider to possess an identity document issued by our competent authorities specific to the exercise of a service activity Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Narodne novine, broj 130/17 Further Informationpdf
Tourism Requirements, except for those necessary for health and safety at work, which affect the use of equipment and material which are an integral part of the service provided Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Narodne novine, broj 130/17 Further Informationpdf
Tourism An obligation on a service provider to make a declaration to or to notify a competent authority in our territory Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Narodne novine, broj 130/17 Further Informationpdf
Tourism An obligation on a service provider to make a declaration to or to notify a competent authority in our territory Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Narodne novine, broj 130/17 Further Informationpdf
Tourism An obligation on a service provider to make a declaration to or to notify a competent authority in our territory Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Narodne novine, broj 130/17 Further Informationpdf
Tourism An obligation on a service provider to obtain an authorisation from a competent authority, including entry in a register or registration with a professional body or association in our territory, except where provided for in the Services Directive or other instruments in Community law Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Narodne novine, bro 130/17 Further Informationpdf
Tourism A requirement, other than those concerning matters covered by Directive 2005/36/EC or provided for in other Community instruments, which reserves access to the service activity in question to particular providers by virtue of the specific nature of the activity Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Narodne novine, broj 130/17 Further Informationpdf
Tourism A requirement, other than those concerning matters covered by Directive 2005/36/EC or provided for in other Community instruments, which reserves access to the service activity in question to particular providers by virtue of the specific nature of the activity Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Narodne novine, broj 130/17 Further Informationpdf
Tourism A requirement, other than those concerning matters covered by Directive 2005/36/EC or provided for in other Community instruments, which reserves access to the service activity in question to particular providers by virtue of the specific nature of the activity Final
Only establishment Narodne novine, broj 130/17 Further Informationpdf
Tourism A requirement, other than those concerning matters covered by Directive 2005/36/EC or provided for in other Community instruments, which reserves access to the service activity in question to particular providers by virtue of the specific nature of the activity Final
Only establishment Narodne novine, broj 130/17 Further Informationpdf
Tourism A requirement, other than those concerning matters covered by Directive 2005/36/EC or provided for in other Community instruments, which reserves access to the service activity in question to particular providers by virtue of the specific nature of the activity Final
Only establishment Narodne novine, broj 130/17 Further Informationpdf
Tourism Another obligation imposed on cross border service providers Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Narodne novine, broj 130/17 Further Informationpdf
Tourism Another obligation imposed on cross border service providers Final
Only cross-border provision of services Narodne novine, broj 130/17 Further Informationpdf
Tourism A requirement fixing a minimum number of employees Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Narodne novine, broj 130/17 Further Informationpdf
Tourism An obligation on a service provider to make a declaration to or to notify a competent authority in our territory Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Narodne novine, broj 130/17 Further Informationpdf
Educational/Cultural An obligation on a service provider to obtain an authorisation from a competent authority, including entry in a register or registration with a professional body or association in our territory, except where provided for in the Services Directive or other instruments in Community law Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services NN 70/19 Further Informationpdf
Sport/Leisure An obligation on a provider to take a specific legal form Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services „Narodne novine“, broj: 71/06, 150/08, 124/10, 124/11, 86/12, 94/13, 85/15 i 19/16 Further Informationpdf