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Source document:
SCENIHR (2012)

Summary & Details:

Health Effects
Artificial Light


Health Effects of Artificial Light Links

  1. Some of the websites providing factual information on Health Effects of Artificial Light:

    • 1. European regulation encouraging the use of energy-saving lamps
    • 2. International standard on optical radiation
    • 3. Public bodies addressing health effects of fluorescent and other artificial lamps
    • 4. Organizations addressing light sensitivity in general
1. European regulation encouraging the use of energy-saving lamps
  • In early 2008, a European Commission regulation was endorsed to progressively phase out incandescent bulbs by 2012 and switch to energy-saving lamps. The regulation is only one of the Eco-design measures adopted by the Commission targeting many more products such as consumer electronics, white goods or heating appliances. More information at 
  • European Commission website on energy saving light bulbs, the phase-out of inefficient lamp types and what European legislation is already in place at  (multilingual)
2. International standard on optical radiation
  • The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) has recommended guideline levels to protect eyes and skin from exposure to optical radiation.
    More information at: 
3. Public bodies addressing health effects of fluorescent and other artificial lamps
4. Organizations addressing light sensitivity in general

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