Health-EU Newsletter

Issue 50, 20 May 2010

In this edition


Europe marks World Multiple Sclerosis Day on 26 May 2010

By Peer Baneke, chief executive of the Multiple sclerosis international federation (MSIF) and Dorothea Pitschnau-Michel, president of the European multiple sclerosis platform (EMSP)

The EMSP and MSIF - umbrella organisations for the MS movement in Europe and beyond - support initiatives around the world for World MS Day on 26 May. This year, the theme is employment. New research commissioned by the MSIF shows that loss of employment is the main factor in the global economic impact of MS. Many people with MS face discrimination at work or lose their jobs owing to a lack of understanding of the disease. Yet an MSIF survey on MS and employment showed that simple changes, such as flexitime or seated work, can help people stay in the workforce for longer.


In Europe, 80 in every 100,000 people have MS and the average age of onset is 29. Many are still at the start of their career when diagnosed and find that MS severely impacts on their ability to work at this crucial time in their lives. Women, who are three times more likely than men to develop MS, are often hit especially hard. Finding time to balance MS, employment, and motherhood is challenging.


Additional data on these issues were generated last year through the “Multiple sclerosis information dividend” pilot project on a planned European MS Register. This project, which ended recently, was co-funded by the European Commission’s public health programme.


World MS Day will see employment-related campaigning activities in countries across Europe and beyond. People living with MS are keen to raise awareness of the disease to stimulate funding for research and treatment. Many organisations are hoping to grab the attention of policy makers who can ensure that their rights to equality and non-discrimination are upheld in line with the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities.


News from the EU

European register for multiple sclerosis (EUReMS)

A tool to assess, compare and enhance the status of people with multiple sclerosis throughout the EU.

European register for multiple sclerosis (EUReMS)

A tool to assess, compare and enhance the status of people with multiple sclerosis throughout the EU.

Reducing health inequalities in the European Union (video)

New video on line on health inequalities

Reducing health inequalities in the European Union (video)

New video on line on health inequalities

Multiple sclerosis barometer 2008

The MS barometer is a benchmarking tool for making appropriate comparisons and identifying what aspects of the disease are well-managed and in what areas authorities need to improve their policies and practices.

Multiple sclerosis barometer 2008

The MS barometer is a benchmarking tool for making appropriate comparisons and identifying what aspects of the disease are well-managed and in what areas authorities need to improve their policies and practices.

Reporting from across Europe


Safety in the operating theatre

The Italian Ministry of Health has recently published guidelines and a checklist as part of the WHO’s "Safe surgery saves lives" programme.

United Kingdom

Multiple Sclerosis Society launches major manifesto campaign

On 15 February 2010, the UK MS Society launched its 2010 manifesto to encourage the next Government to act on MS inequalities.

Forthcoming Events

European multiple sclerosis platform (EMSP) annual congress in Stuttgart (26-28 May 2010)

The EMSP annual congress features reports on innovative concepts in counselling and knowledge transfer developed by some of its member organisations.

World No Tobacco Day (31 May 2010)

The World Health Organization (WHO) selects "Gender and tobacco with an emphasis on marketing to women" as the theme for the next World No Tobacco Day, which will take place on 31 May 2010.

Shangai Expo 2010 "Healthy cities event" (4-6 June 2010)

The "Healthy Cities" conference is a unique opportunity to look at how public authorities can shape big cities to improve the well-being of their populations. The conference will be opened by the European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy, Mr John Dalli, who will be visiting China for the first time in his new post.

European committee for treatment and research in multiple sclerosis (ECTRIMS) annual congress (13-16 October 2010)

The congress features: lectures on the latest research findings, for health professionals; discussions on epidemiology; teaching seminars, and a session for young researchers.

New Publications

Atlas: multiple sclerosis resources in the world 2008

This publication from WHO and the Multiple sclerosis international federation (MSIF) presents evidence on the global epidemiology and the resources for diagnosing, treating, rehabilitating, supporting and providing services to people with MS.

Atlas: multiple sclerosis resources in the world 2008

This publication from WHO and the Multiple sclerosis international federation (MSIF) presents evidence on the global epidemiology and the resources for diagnosing, treating, rehabilitating, supporting and providing services to people with MS.

What's New on Health-EU

Health-EU Newsletter celebrates its 50th edition

Read all the editions!

Health-EU Newsletter celebrates its 50th edition

Read all the editions!

Health-EU portal in Chinese: be ready!

Chinese version of the portal – created to coincide with the Shanghai Expo 2010

Health-EU portal in Chinese: be ready!

Chinese version of the portal – created to coincide with the Shanghai Expo 2010

Commission launches 2nd EU Health Prize for Journalists

Journalists are invited to submit articles related to the Europe for Patients campaign published in print or on-line publications between 16 June 2009 and 1 July 2010 using an on-line entry form.

Commission launches 2nd EU Health Prize for Journalists

Journalists are invited to submit articles related to the Europe for Patients campaign published in print or on-line publications between 16 June 2009 and 1 July 2010 using an on-line entry form.


World Multiple Sclerosis Day - 26 May 2010

Activities at EU level

Health-EU - Other Non-Communicable Diseases

European Commission – DG Health and Consumers

Major and chronic diseases

European Commission – DG Health and Consumers


World MS Day 2010: new website online!

Health Programme Projects

Multiple Sclerosis information dividend

The project aims to enhance equity of treatment, access to treatment and quality of services for EU citizens affected by MS.

Other interesting links

EMSP - European Multiple Sclerosis Platform

MSIF – Multiple sclerosis international federation

Employment and MS survey

ECTRIMS - European Committee for treatment and research in multiple sclerosis

WFN - World federation of neurology

RIMS - Rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis

Health-EU. The Public Health Portal of the European Union
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