• Horst Kraemer profile
    Horst Kraemer
    15 September 2017 - updated 3 years ago
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The need for more age-friendly technologies increases as by 2020, 25% of the EU's population will be over 65. Irish based research centre NetwellCASALA developed a Subject Information Management System (SIMS), which enables service managers to aggregate and channel information from heterogeneous data sources, into context-aware and personalized services that empower older people to self-manage their health and wellbeing.


About the Innovator

NetwellCASALA is an applied, multidisciplinary research centre at Dundalk Institute of Technology, working across the three inter-related and mutually reinforcing strands of communities, environment and technologies. Working closely with our business partners, members of the community, health services, local and national government, other academic establishments and ageing affiliated agencies, we are actively translating ideas into practical solutions that improve the lives of older people and those who care for them, whilst also creating new business opportunities and informing public policies.

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Members from NetwellCASALA institution involved in the EU project ProACT
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What is the innovation

The Subject Information Management System (SIMS) enables service managers, such as those within health systems and NGOs, to aggregate data from multiple sources and channel it into personalized applications to support health self-management. SIMS also features a user-friendly administrative dashboard to manage users of digital health technologies. Feature include data inspection, scheduling questions and educational content that can be delivered through applications. It is a flexible, open system with an APIs allowing developers to build on top of it.


Out of the lab – Into the Market

Collaboration with stakeholder ecosystems has allowed us to move SIMS into real world environments. We have received support through our technology transfer office, enterprise support services of our local authority as well as national enterprise development agencies such as Enterprise Ireland. SIMS is currently supporting a digital health research trial which will manage 140 older people across three EU countries. Plans are underway for its use within the Irish Health and Social Care Services, in both public and NGO sectors.


Benefits of participation in the Framework Programme

SIMS has been deployed in a number of projects to date, and its design and development has been iterated upon and improved. Funding through the H2020 ProACT project has enabled us to further expand and improve SIMS. We have significantly re-architected the system, moving beyond its initial offering as a data aggregation system, while strengthening security protocols and addressing specific challenges with managing multimorbidities. This in turn has strengthened our offering to stakeholders in the health and NGO sectors.