Aero Glass

  • Horst Kraemer profile
    Horst Kraemer
    15 September 2017 - updated 3 years ago
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Aero Glass is the first company to bring Augmented Reality into cockpits, by providing smart glasses which create an unparalleled 3D and 360° vision for pilots. Regardless of the outside conditions, the pilots will see all necessary information, such as the terrain, their flight plan, airports and other navigation points. The utilization of this technology to other transport domains is already in the planning.


About the Innovator

Aero Glass was founded in 2014, when pilot and software engineer Akos Maroy and geospatial software engineer Jeffrey Johnson met to work on an aviation app. The result of this meeting is an Augmented Reality visualization platform using Smart Glasses for all transportation domains, with an initial focus on aviation.

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What is the innovation

Aero Glass developed a unique turnkey solution addressing pilots' need to properly visualize terrain, navigation, traffic (ADS-B), instrument, weather, and airspace information with access to vital safety procedures and protocols, without the requirement of inspecting instruments, phone or iPad.



Pilot flying a plane while using the Smart Glasses AERO GLASS
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Out of the lab – Into the Market

At first we are targeting professional aviation areas with our technology. After some time we plan to target the private pilot sector as well. Eventually we are planning to utilize our technology in other transportation domains like automotive and maritime.


Benefits of participation in the Framework Programme

The Horizon 2020 SME Instrument Phase II grant has provided us with vitally required resources to execute our R&D process to create our core technology and adopt it to the aviation domain.