Advanced Digital Innovation UK

  • Miguel García G... profile
    Miguel García G...
    26 July 2019 - updated 1 year ago
Voting is closed. 119 users have voted.
United Kingdom

About the innovator

ADI (UK) Ltd. is a software development company of 15 people plus 7 contract staff, based in Saltaire, West Yorkshire. We are dedicated to the proposition that involving patients digitally in their own care via apps, emails, texts, etc - “digital health” - is a crucial element in migrating health systems towards a more sustainable model for the 21st century. ADI has been committed to developing digital health solutions for over 5 years, and have built a strong reputation for innovation, execution and scale-up. We have over 34,000 patients currently registered on our platforms. ADI (UK) Ltd. have an existing product offering "MyPathway". This Patient Communications Engine platform delivers cost savings, service improvement and competitive advantage to healthcare providers.

Adi company on Twitter

What is the innovation

Working with the backend system developed by the Technische Universität München we have developed a clinical front end to provide personalised clinical pathways for patients with complex chronic cases. This provides tools to monitor patient’s activities and status. This is done as an Angular web app front end, which is highly configurable based on the data provided to it by the back end. The front end provide treatment knowledge of doctors, nurses and social workers from reusable work templates. The front end provide clinicians with coherent display of the following elements: stages (i.e., screening, risk stratification, mapping, intervention, and surveillance); tasks (to coordinate work among involved stakeholders and divide required activities into manageable chunks); constraints (representing dependencies between tasks); data (patient records and additional related data).

Out of the lab. Into the market

As part of the Connecare project ADI (UK) Ltd are also responsible for the exploitation and business model planning. We have worked with all the project partners to understand the IP ownership and to help them to understand and develop their plans for the Connecare project outputs. ADI (UK) Ltd are specifically interested in demonstrating Connecare outputs and components in support of patients with particular clinical conditions within existing and potential UK customer sites.
There is also an opportunity for us toe provide ongoing support and maintenance to the clinical front end on a commercial basis to other partners or adopters of the Connecare system

Benefits of participation in Horizon 2020

ADI (UK) Ltd. have benefited from involvement with this project in a number of ways. We have been able to increase and improve the skills of our technical development capacity. We developed an Angular web app using Typescript language. These are extremely valuable skills to ADI (UK) Ltd. The project has provided a platform that with a platform that we will work with the other partners to exploit. As an organisation, because have worked with consortium of 10 partners and it  has provided us with many ideas and insights to improve our own platforms and products. It has also created invaluable links between all the project partners.

This innovation was funded via H2020 project Connecare


/futurium/en/file/connecare-projectCONNECARE Project