GeoConnectGR improves the perception of experts from neighbouring countries

  • Agnès VERON profile
    Agnès VERON
    20 February 2019 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 0

On February 19th the GeoConnectGR project group met at the Administration du Cadastre et de la Topographie in Luxembourg. During the meeting, they reported on the progress of the project and defined the next steps. Until the end of April, the partners will focus on edge matching procedures (border connections) in order to ensure the data connectivity of the hydrographic network at the internal boundaries of the Greater Region.

Pierre Vergez, expert in edge matching at IGN (Institut national de l’information géographique et forestière) France and CNIG (Conseil national de l’information géographique) made a very appreciated presentation on geographic large scale edge matching on French boundaries. He insisted on the duality between legal and technical boundaries and the need to introduce the notion of “limite millésimée”. He stressed the interest of the project GeoConnectGR because since its launch, the perception of experts from neighbouring countries has improved significantly. All stakeholders agree now that data harmonisation on boundaries is essential to move towards a truly integrated digital Europe.


GeoConnectGR project group, 19-02-2019

The European Union finances this project.