Final seminar “Inspire, from theory to practice” of the project GeoConnectGR : A call for connectivity at borders in Europe

  • Agnès VERON profile
    Agnès VERON
    18 November 2019 - updated 1 year ago
    Total votes: 1

The GeoConnectGR project led by the Greater Region highlights the need to strengthen co-operation to enable continuous mapping throughout the EU. GeoConnectGR has enabled the production of a large-scale vector database of hydrography in the Greater Region. Border connectivity has been provided manually and semi-automatically or even automatically in some cases. The data has been transformed and harmonised to meet the requirements of the European INSPIRE Directive. To this end, the Core Reference Data technique has been deployed for the first time in an operational way. A convention allowing a wide non-commercial use of this data, with reference to their origin, could also be concluded within the framework of the project. The data can be downloaded and viewed via the Greater Region Geoportal.

The results of the project were presented at the Ministry of Spatial Planning of Luxembourg on 8 November 2019, during the “Inspire, from theory to practice” seminar. Supported by the European Commission as part of the b-solutions call for projects, the project provided interesting insights into the problem of connectivity of geographical and cartographic data at borders. It is led by the EGTC Summit Secretariat of the Greater Region in close collaboration with the Land Registry and Mapping Working Group of the Summit of the Greater Region and the Greater Region’s Geographical Information System.

The experts put into perspective the current state of the transposition of the INSPIRE Directive, which entered into force on 15 May 2007, and which sets the European framework for the exchange of existing geographical data. While GeoConnectGR has certainly offered an innovative solution that could be replicated in other co-operation areas in Europe, the exchanges have nevertheless highlighted the long way to go to meet the end users’ needs. The results have indeed highlighted that obtaining a continuous cartography across the territory of Europe will require a much higher level of co-ordination and integration than in this pilot project. The project partners called for the creation of a European geoinformation agency and expressed their support for the establishment of new cross-border co-operation instruments such as the ECBM (European Cross-border Mechanism) currently under discussion between the Member States of the European Union.

On the same day, the priorities of the current Saarland Presidency of the Summit of the Greater Region were presented, as well as the work of the Land Registry and Mapping Working Group and the 2020 edition of the Greater Region Calendar: “Architecture and remarkable buildings”.


For more information:

Summit Secretariat of the Greater Region

Phone: +352 247 80 159 


Thierry Hengen

Ministry of Energy and Spatial Planning

Department of Spatial Planning

Phone: +352 247 86945