D4.6 - Pilots Evaluation Results - Third Round

  • OPR coordinator... profile
    OPR coordinator...
    16 January 2019 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 4
Closed since 17/02/19
Year of publication: 

This is a draft version of the deliverable “D4.6 Pilots Evaluation Results – Third round” of the OpenGovIntelligence (OGI) project. The evaluation of the project is divided in four main areas; the evaluation of the 1) Co-Creation Framework, 2) OGI ICT Toolkit, 3) Acceptance, and 4) Outcomes. The first two areas were evaluated in the first and second year reports (D4.2 and D4.4) and in this report are only summarized. The other two areas are evaluated in this deliverable as soon as the final version of the pilots has been delivered and the user-base is sufficient to arrive at sound outcomes.

Acceptance and Outcomes were evaluated using a mixed qualitative approach. Technical partners and pilots’ leaders were interviewed and surveyed to collect information about fundamental requirements and parameters for the ICT Toolkit development. This shows the potential and limits of the LOSD OGI Toolkit. Data quality was also evaluated. In particular, the 6 pilots were evaluated by employing a user – questionnaire involving 219 participants in total. Participants, in general, believe that among the pilots’ benefits are the creation of transparency, reduction the administrative burden by more efficient search of information and visualizing the results at a glance.