Open Public Reviews – an open consultation

  • John Magan profile
    John Magan
    18 February 2016 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 2

The potential benefits of Open Peer Reviews for scientific publications are well known: more openness and transparency; greater trust; credit for contributors; more visibility and reliability. As part of a general move towards applying Open Science principles more widely in the Commission's own operations, it has been suggested to apply the same principles to project reviews in H2020. For some more information on this idea, see the short background document.

We would like to hear from you on this topic. Specifically, we would like to know:

  • Do you think Open Public Reviews is a good idea for Horizon 2020 project reviews? Why?

  • Do you have experiences in open reviews?

  • What do you think are the main advantages and disadvantages? If you mention problems, can they be addressed? How?

  • Would you agree for your research results to be reviewed openly?

In your replies, please explain your position, and share any experiences you have had that could be useful or illustrative. Deadline for contributions is the 31st of March 2016.

Thank you for your time and responses; we hope it will help us to create a more open scientific community in Europe and beyond.

Short background document.


Update: November 17, 2016

Thanks to you all for your comments here; following on from this and taking account of your comments, especially on the confidentiality issues, we're preparing a small pilot action on open public review of projects in the area of eGovernment (which is by nature open and not commercially confidential). Based on the lessons learned in this pilot, we may roll it out more widely.

More details in due course!
