MOT is launching 3 cross-border working groups (webinars)

  • Raffaele Viaggi profile
    Raffaele Viaggi
    26 May 2020 - updated 11 months ago
    Total votes: 1

Dear all,

At the beginning of 2020, the MOT (Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière) launched a survey to find out its network's preferences in terms of topics to be covered under dedicated working groups. This survey led to the identification of 3 main priority areas to be further explored :
- Territorial solidarity 
- Cross-border governance
- Metropolitan cooperation

The first session of these 3 groups will be launched in June 2020. In order to allow everyone to participate in the best conditions, the format chosen for the first sessions of each group is that of an interactive webinar.

"Territorial Solidarities" Group - 1st meeting 
- Objectives: to identify and share experiences of solidarity across the borders to face the COVID-19 crisis. The exchanges will question the way in which cross-border crisis management can be better apprehended, particularly by local stakeholders.
- Co-organisers: Simon Jodogne, European Metropolis of Lille and Jérôme Marchal, Pôle Métropolitain du Sillon Lorrain
- Date: Friday, June 12 from 10:00 to 12:00.
- To register:
- Detailed program :

Group on Cross-Border Governance - 1st meeting 
- Objectives: sharing of experiences on the functioning and modes of intervention of cross-border structures. The speakers will also discuss the main successful experiences in terms of governance and the challenges ahead.
- Co-organisers: Patrice Harster, EGTC Eurodistrict PAMINA and Loïc Delhuvenne, EGTC Eurometropole Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai
- Date: Wednesday, June 17 from 10:00 to 12:00.
- To register :
- Detailed program :

Metropolitan Cooperation Group - 1st meeting 
- Objectives: to question the role of urban stakehlders in cross-border cooperation. What kind of CB city-networks should be invented to better cooperate around metropolitan functions? What role for cities within the future European programmes?
- Co-organisers: Marieke Steenbergen, Grand Besançon Métropole and Isabelle Maquin AUDAB (Besançon Centre Franche-Comté Urban Planning Agency)
- Date: Wednesday, June 24 from 10:00 to 12:00.
- To register :
- Detailed program :

Please note that all presentations and discussions will be in French.

The links to connect to these sessions will be sent to registered participants, within the limit of available places (30 per working group).

Please feel free to get in contact with me for any question.