Sharing the value added from industrial Big Data fairly

  • Laurent ZIBELL profile
    Laurent ZIBELL
    26 September 2019
    Total votes: 0
industriAll European trade union
Year of publication: 

The know-how of EU industrial workers must not be stolen by Big Data monopolists!

The “data economy” under discussion since January 2017 may lead to (1) a concentration of wealth and power in the hands of the few “Big Data Analytics” companies holding a monopolistic grip on industrial data, and (2) a de-skilling of industrial workers because their know-how would be captured by the data and algorithms.

IndustriAll Europe proposes policies to prevent these risks: (1) a reinforced Social Dialogue to preserve the professional know-how of industrial workers and to share the value added generated by Big Data Analytics, (2) a licensing regime for the non-exclusive rights to access and to process“raw” industrial data, and (3) a protection of “processed” data under a revised regime of “industrial secrets”.