An Opportunity for Learning How to Create Trustworthy and Ethical Artificial Intelligence

  • Markus Noga profile
    Markus Noga
    28 June 2019 - updated 1 year ago
    Total votes: 0

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly increasing and as it does, companies and users are finding benefits in the use of AI. However, it’s also important to be aware of the ethical implications when creating or using AI. In response, we at SAP have been examining what we can do to promote the creation of Trustworthy and Ethical Artificial Intelligence not only within our own walls but also outside of them. This is part of the reason I have been eager to participate in the High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence. We at SAP have also created a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) thorough our online learning platform openSAP called Creating Trustworthy and Ethical Artificial Intelligence as a way to educate an even wider audience about this important topic.

I recently sat down with one of the creators and moderators of this course from my own team, Mary Carol Madigan, to discuss the course, why I am so excited about it, and my own work with the European Union’s High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence.

Q: What is this course about and why should we be excited about it?

Markus Noga: The course explores key themes around the ethics of artificial intelligence and will offer a lot of things to think about. If you’re an executive leading an organization that is using or planning on using artificial intelligence, a developer of artificial intelligence, a project manager or owner considering artificial intelligence for your product, or a user of artificial intelligence-enabled tools, we’ve made this course for you. We’ve tried to give everyone something they can take with them into their daily lives. Our goal at SAP is to provide trustworthy and ethical artificial intelligence in our products, and we see providing access to experts on this topic as one way we can help promote this outside our own organization. openSAP gives us a chance to share these ideas and concepts with a much wider audience.

Q: As one of the instructors, why do you think this course is important?

A: We’ve been able to bring together experts from SAP and other areas who are members of the European Union’s High-Level Group on Artificial Intelligence to discuss and share their areas of expertise as well as their opinions when it comes to AI ethics and the various aspects of using artificial intelligence in an ethical way. Artificial intelligence has the power to be a transformative technology, and it’s essential that each of us understands its potential impact and how to mitigate it. There are also many excellent opportunities that artificial intelligence offers, and we can’t forget those. This is a unique chance to hear from a variety of people on both the challenges and opportunities ahead and how to think and act critically when working with artificial intelligence.

Q: Can you tell us more about your work with the European Union High Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence?

A: It’s been an honor to be a part of the European Union’s High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence and to represent SAP and all European business software providers in general in the activities of this group. It’s rare to have such a variety of experts devoting time, energy, and talents towards a subject with so much potential. The European Union has the opportunity to set international precedents on this important topic and even to become a leader in artificial intelligence research and development. We’re only at the beginning of understanding all the benefits and capabilities of artificial intelligence, and setting standards for the ethical use of artificial intelligence is of the utmost importance. The work we’ve done to start this conversation and document it for the use of the European Union and other global audiences is at the same time necessary and inspiring.

Q: Who is this course meant for?

A: This course has been designed for anyone who works with or uses artificial intelligence. We’ve tried to focus on the central concepts key to understanding and thinking critically about the ethics of AI in a way that is very approachable. Therefore, I would recommend any leader, owner, developer, or user of artificial intelligence technologies to spend some time taking this course, and I challenge them to apply the concepts from this course in their daily work and lives.

Q: What is the structure and how much time will it take to complete?

A: The course content will be available on openSAP starting June 25. The content is divided into three sections: The Foundations of Trustworthy AI, Key Concepts for Trustworthy AI, and Making Trustworthy AI a Reality. Each section contains short videos, which you can access any time you like. If you have questions or would like to discuss a topic, you can meet the experts and other learners in the course discussion forum, which is available until July 24. The course will take approximately three to four hours in total. You can watch it in one go or in shorter sections over time, whichever suits you best.

Q: How do I join?

A: The course is provided free of charge and all you need to sign up is a valid email address. Simply create an account on openSAP and enroll for the course!