An overview of supply chain security

  • Andreea DUMITRASCU profile
    Andreea DUMITRASCU
    16 June 2019 - updated 1 year ago
    Total votes: 2
Date & time: 
Tuesday, 2 July, 2019 - 10:30 to 12:30
Register URL: 

In the digital  era, Supply Chain services (SCs) are the cornerstones of global trade and economy where cross border Critical Infrastructures (CI), (e.g. authorities airports, railways, ports, energy providers, banks, logistic/transport companies, industries) collaborate in offering complex digital  services in all critical sectors (e.g. transport, finance, health, government). Examples of SCs include: container management, vehicle transport. The CIs that operate within their SCs have physical and cyber multi-interdependencies, interacting with all sectors of economy and therefore, their malfunctioning or disruption will have cascading effects, on several other EU infrastructures or cross-border services that depend on them. The highly valuable interconnected physical and cyber assets involved in the SCs have become targets for attacks attracting the attention of terrorism, causing not only disruption of the SCs but tremendous damage to EU business operations, national and EU safety, economies, societies and environment.

This session explored the current trends for the improvement of Supply Chain Security. Watch the recording and find out what is being done concretely for addressing issues related to vulnerable complex supply chains.

Moderator: Nineta Polemi, Programme Manager and Policy Officer in DG CONNECT H1 Unit

Dr Nineta Polemi has obtained a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics (Coding Theory) from The City University of New York (Graduate Centre). She held teaching positions in the City University of New York (Queens and Baruch Colleges) and in the State University of New York (Farmingdale). She is an Associate Professor in the University of Piraeus (Dept. of Informatics) and Director of the UNIPI cybersecurity master's program and lab.  She has over one hundred publications and has organised numerous security scientific international events. She has received many research grants from various organizations such as the Danish Research Foundation, MSI Army Research Office/Cornell University and IEEE.


  • Wil van Heeswijk, Policy Officer Supply Chain Security & Detection Technology Expert, DG TAXUD, Unit A3 Risk Management and Security

Title of the presentation: Customs supervision and security in global supply chains

Mr van Heeswijk is responsible for the security technology developments, customs control equipment and implementation of smart border and supply chain security measures, including research and innovation. Mr van Heeswijk is the chairperson of the EU customs detection technology project group. Furthermore, he is a customs policy adviser to the European Union HORIZON 2020 Security Research Program and the EU representative of the World Customs Organisation Technical Expert Group on Non- Intrusive Inspection equipment.

  • Schauer Stefan, Senior Scientist Security & Communication Technologies Center for Digital Safety & Security

Title of the presentation: Cascading Effects in Supply Chains

Working for the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) since 2005, Stefan Schauer is a senior researcher in the fields of risk and security management in the Center for Digital Safety & Security. His research focus lies on risk assessment methodologies and processes applying game theoretic approaches as well as mathematical concepts for the identification and handling of cascading effects within an organization and among critical infrastructures.

  • Armend Duzha, EU Project Manager, Maggioli S.p.A.

Title of the presentation: Empowering Reliability and Trust in Digital Service Chains

Armend Duzha is a Project Manager and Research Associate at Maggioli Group. He has more than 5 years of experience in leading international research projects and is particularly specialized in transferring research results into industry. His main interest are the protection of critical infrastructures and the use of secure technologies if different domains. Last but not least, Armend is the Project Coordinator of the GUARD H2020 Project (GA 833456).

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