Libre Graphics Meeting

  • Soenke ZEHLE profile
    Soenke ZEHLE
    25 May 2019 - updated 1 year ago
    Total votes: 0
Date & time: 
Wednesday, 29 May, 2019 - 12:00 to Sunday, 2 June, 2019 - 18:00
Keplerstr. 3-5
66117 Saarbrücken
Register URL: 
LGM 2019 Registration

The Libre Graphics Meeting (LGM) is an annual international convention for the discussion of free and open source software used with graphics. The first Libre Graphics Meeting was held in March 2006.  LGM 2019 is taking place from May 29 to June 2 in Saarbruecken, Germany.

A key area of ai research and application, the cultural, economic, and technological ecosystem around the creation and analysis of (moving) images has benefitted greatly from the strategies of free and open source software. Actors in and across the libre graphics community have been at the core of these dynamics and exemplify the commitment to open technologies. A one-day pre-conference event ("From Code to Community") showcases free and open source software applications in SMEs, state agencies, and civil society organizations. Relationships between imaging technologies and ai are also explored in anticipate - a multidisciplinary collective intelligence design research network currently hosted and coordinated by xm:lab, part of an ongoing engagement with technological transformation, alternative innovation narratives, and viable systems design through arts-and-technology research.

Organized by K8 Institut für strategische Ästhetik in cooperation and with the support of Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar, xm:lab - Experimental Media Lab, Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI), Opensaar e.V., Kino Achteinhalb, Minsterium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit, Energie und Verkehr Saarland, Ministerium für Bildung und Kultur Saarland, Staatskanzlei Saarland, saaris, Google, GIMP.