On the tablet served ... media education for educators in training in Rhineland-Palatinate

  • Katja FRIEDRICH profile
    7 March 2019 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 0
Date & time: 
Monday, 18 March, 2019 - 10:00 to 16:30
Katholische Berufsbildende Schule
Kettelerstraße 2 - 6
55116 Mainz

Since spring 2018 the 1-year pilot project "Media education in vocational schools for social work in Rhineland-Palatinate", a cooperation of the Ministry for Education Rhineland-Palatinate, the Pedagogical State Institute, the Media Institute Rhineland-Palatinate and medien+bildung.com gGmbH, has been running.  
At the end of the pilot phase, the symposium would like to present insights into the results and experiences of the project and show how other technical schools for social work can implement media education with tablets in their training of educators.  
The event offers you and your pupils the opportunity to exchange ideas with the schools of the pilot phase and to gain ideas for your own media work at your school. Representatives from the project, the Ministry of Education, science and practice will be present. You can get a comprehensive picture of how early childhood media work can be implemented, what opportunities new technologies offer and what needs to be considered when using them.