News Literacy Global Conference 2019

  • Rafal Wisniewski profile
    Rafal Wisniewski
    4 March 2019 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 0
Date & time: 
Friday, 7 June, 2019 - 10:00 to Saturday, 8 June, 2019 - 15:00
Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland
Umultowska 89a
61-614 Poznan

News Literacy Center at Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań and News Literacy Center, School of Journalism, Stony Brook University (New York, USA) extend the invitation for the News Literacy Global Conference which will be held at AMU’s Morasko campus on 7-8 June 2019. This event will continue the discussion started at the Stony Brook University in 2017 during the first News Literacy Global Conference ( The conference is also one of many scientific events commemorating University of Poznań’s 100th anniversary.

News Literacy is a pioneer Media Education curriculum launched by SBU’s School of Journalism in 2007. It has been adopted at the AMU’s Faculty of Political Science and Journalism in 2014. Our curriculum aims to help students of all ages to navigate the challenging digital media environment through development of critical thinking and verification skills. Our desired effect is to help students become critical news consumers who are able to judge news’ reliability. We also strongly believe that it is an effective way to build society’s resistance to disinformation and media manipulation.

Through Global News Literacy Conference we aim to engage the media studies
and education community in a wider discussion built around three goals:

• Networking opportunities for academics, teachers and NGO activists
working on News Literacy and broader Media Education;

• Discussion on possible contribution of News Literacy course,
materials and other output of our activities to further research and
education related to media issues;

• Presentation and reflection on the newest research on the current
media environment and their relevance for Media Education.