Austria - Vienna – All Tomorrows

  • Christoph Kaindel profile
    Christoph Kaindel
    28 February 2019 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 1
Date & time: 
Sunday, 31 March, 2019 - 18:00 to 19:00
Volkstheater - Volx/Margareten
Margaretenstraße 166
1050 Vienna

A speculative simulation; Concept and direction by Georg Hobmeier

The near future: The European facade is crumbling. Austria has gone through Öxit and left the European Union, then Vienna has left Austria (Wixit). For the first time in history Vienna has to survive as an independent city state. A commission made up by members of the strongest political parties, played by the audience, is put in charge of the city´s government.

Vienna – All Tomorrows is a game, an art installation and a simulation at the same time. Using Virtual Reality technology, a map of Vienna shows information on tasks to complete and decisions to make. The teams have to discuss, justify their positions and decide on ethical, economical, political and ecological issues. Will they lead Vienna into a new repressive „biedermeier” era, transform it into a glorious utopia, or will it lead into the city´s destruction?