Luxembourg – Workshop about conspiracy theories

  • Carmen Michels profile
    Carmen Michels
    22 February 2019 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 0
Date & time: 
Saturday, 16 March, 2019 - 09:00
IFEN, eduPôle, Walferdange
route de Diekirch
7228 Walferdange
Register URL: 
Online registration

Thanks to the internet, conspiracy theories spread at an increasingly fast pace and therefore represent a real challenge for our critical thinking. That’s why, BEE SECURE will hold a workshop about conspiracy theories, their characteristics and possible ways to fight them. First the attendees learn more about the psychological tricks used by conspiracy theories to convince the public. Afterwards, the second part of the workshop makes them discover pedagogical material they can use to tackle conspiracy theories in the classroom. Conspiracy theories are a major threat for our democracy which can only be tackled by developing critical thinking a major issue in the field of media literacy.

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