Sharing information about events focused on the development of AI-relevant skills

  • Jacek Ruminski profile
    Jacek Ruminski
    12 February 2019
    Total votes: 4

According to the Coordinated Plan on Artificial Intelligence (COM(2018) 795, 7.12.2018): “The Commission will support Masters and PhDs in AI through the proposed closer cooperation between AI research excellence centres and, more broadly, the EU’s research and innovation programmes.” This is of course very important, but it takes time. During last few years there are many other initiatives addressing improvement of AI-relevant skills. Summer Schools are good examples. There are many such events focused on AI/machine learning/deep learning. For example, this year there are at least two international summer schools on deep learning in Poland: in Gdansk, July 1-5, and in Warsaw, July 22-26, I know that there are many other. It would be very useful to organize a dedicated page (or calendar) with information about such events. The website of the European AI Alliance is a good place for that. The possibility to develop AI-skills is very important for many companies, organizations, etc.