Media Literacy Week - Finland

  • Tommi TOSSAVAINEN profile
    12 February 2019 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 1
Date & time: 
Monday, 4 February, 2019 - 08:00 to Sunday, 10 February, 2019 - 20:00
Almost 2000 different Venues in Finland
Sörnäisten rantatie 25
00500 Helsinki

This year Finland celebrates Media Literacy Week (MLW) for the seventh time. The aim of the week is to advance the media literacy skills of children and young people, as well as to support professional educators, guardians and other adults in their important media educational tasks.

Media Literacy Week celebrates diversity in creating and developing a better internet. The number and scope of the activities in Finland illustrate the variety of the perspectives related to fostering wellbeing in this digitalised world. For this year's Media Literacy Week, altogether almost 30 different materials or campaigns are created together and in cooperation with around 55 partner organisations from all sectors of society, from public institutions to NGOs and private companies.

Activities are designed for various groups from professional educators (such as the early childhood educators, teachers, librarians and youth workers) to the general public. Activities vary from events and campaigns to publishing educational materials. Media Literacy Week is celebrated, for example, in seminars, workshops, webinars and public discussions. Most importantly, Media Literacy Week encourages local institutions (such as schools, libraries, youth work centres, museums and kindergartens) to arrange local educational events during the campaign week.

In today's society, the internet and other digital media offers various opportunities for wellbeing and good life. By fostering the key competences of today and tomorrow, it is possible to foster the possibilities to actively participate, for example, by creating media content or connecting respectively.

This year, the Finnish Safer Internet Centre (SIC) has published a print and online version of a Media Literacy Week 2019 magazine to support and foster the celebration of Media Literacy Week. The magazine illustrates the diversity of themes and activities by providing descriptions of the campaigns from the partner organisations, ready-to-use educational material, expert interviews and also information about current topics such as emotion education, critical media literacy and media creation. 

The power images and visual communication is well emphasised in Media Literacy Week 2019. One of the main campaigns this year is related to the visual culture as part of media literacy. Mielen kuvitusta – opas visuaaliseen medialukutaitoon (Image-a-nation – guide for visual media education) is a media educational material which approaches visual literacy from three perspectives: identity, interpretation and self-production.