AEBR Cross-Border School, General Assembly and Annual Conference 2019 in Dresden

  • Martin Guilller... profile
    Martin Guilller...
    31 January 2019 - updated 1 year ago
    Total votes: 2
Date & time: 
Wednesday, 23 October, 2019 - 09:00 to Saturday, 26 October, 2019 - 14:00
Dresden City Hall
Dr.-Külz-Ring 19
01067 Dresden

In 2019 the City of Dresden (Euroregion Elbe-Labe, DE-CZ) will host AEBR annual events: the III Cross-Border School for practitioners and researchers, AEBR Executive Committee and General Assembly 2019, as well as AEBR Annual Conference, with a special focus on Cross-Border Culture and the analysis of future regulations affecting European Territorial Cooperation, as well as the preliminary findings of b-Solutions project and the impact of Interreg Volunteer Youth (IVY) in CBC.