D5.4 - Report on Dissemination Activities - Y3

  • OPR coordinator... profile
    OPR coordinator...
    16 January 2019 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 4
Closed since 17/02/19
Year of publication: 

This is a draft version of the deliverable “D5.4 - Report on Dissemination Activities – Y3” that covers the dissemination activities of the third year of the OpenGovIntelligence (OGI) project. This deliverable builds upon the corresponding report of the first and second years, and outlines the activities conducted in the third year. The report details the dissemination activities from all partners of the OGI Consortium. It covers the promotional materials, online and electronic activities (including social media); events and networking and publications (both academic and industrial).

In the first year, seven target groups for dissemination have been identified, namely: 1) the public sector; 2) software developers; 3) statistical data publishers; 4) standardization bodies; 5) data scientists; 6) researchers and academics; and, 7) civil society, including businesses, citizens and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). Each pilot involved two partners and identified a number of the above target groups. In the second year, a graphical identity for the project was create, i.e. an agreed upon logo, which was used for branding in leaflets, banners and all social media to create cohesion across the project. Project partners also created an online presence through the project website, Twitter, Medium blogging platform, GitHub, Slideshare and Mendeley and have sent out newsletters about the project. Document materials were also created to communicate research results in the form of scientific publications, reports etc.. Events and Networking opportunities in the second year were extensive, with project partners attending more than five planned international conferences; over thirty further events and meetings and more than five planned workshops. In the third year, planed dissemination and exploitation activities to reach the targeted groups were performed. Second year showed some indicators had more progress and a few showed slower progress, hence third year focused on them.