D5.4 - Third report on dissemination & exploitation support activities

  • OPR coordinator... profile
    OPR coordinator...
    16 January 2019 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 3
Closed since 17/02/19
Year of publication: 

This report (D5.4) presents an overview of the various activities conducted during the WeGovNow project’s second reporting period. Various dissemination and communication activities have been pursued during this time period on the basis of an established communication strategy (D5.1). The focus has been on disseminating the approach and objectives of WeGovNow, but also on communicating interim achievements throughout the various stages of the overall project.

A basic distinction was made between overall project level communication addressing a wider audience at the international level and pilot site level communication targeting local stakeholders. During the project’s final year a great effort was made when it comes to pilot site level communication in order to support the implementation of local validation trials conducted in three pilot municipalities, namely the City of Turin (IT), The London Borough of Southwark (UK) and San Doná di Piave (IT). Various communication means have been employed throughout the project’s life cycle. Moreover, different exploitation support activities have been conducted to facilitate the further utilisation of project outputs.

Please note: This report has been generated for the purposes of the Open Public Review Pilot. Further information is currently compiled and will be fed into the final version of this report due at the end of the project duration.