Happy European Day of Languages!

  • Louise Floman profile
    Louise Floman
    26 September 2018 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 2

The European Day of Languages is a yearly event held on 26 September. It aims at raising awareness of the wide variety of languages in Europe, promote cultural and linguistic diversity and encourage people of all ages to learn languages. The European Day of Languages was established by the European Commission and the Council of Europe and many institutes, associations, universities and schools take part.

Highligtening the importance of languages does not stop at that however. During this year's edition of the European Weeks of Regions and Cities, there will be several workshops related to the legislative package for a European Education Area that was launched earlier this year. The package touches several important cross-border issues ranging from mutual recognition of diplomas to multilingualism in schools, including in border areas.

One of the workshops relating to the European Education area is the workshop "Language competences in support of the European Education area", which will focus on mobility and language competences in border areas. The workshop takes place on October 9, from 16:30 to 18:00:  You will find more information on the session and on how to register here!

Read more about other workshops related to the European Education Area (e.g. on mutual recognition of diplomas) found here.

Join us at the European Week of Regions and cities to listen to and discuss good practices!