Your input for the First Workshop of the AI HLEG

  • Pekka Ala-Pietilä profile
    Pekka Ala-Pietilä
    29 August 2018 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 4

By Pekka Ala-Pietilä, Chair of the High-Level Expert Group on AI



Dear members of the European AI Alliance,

First of all, let me thank you for your contributions to the discussions on the platform of the Alliance in my capacity as Chair of the High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI HLEG).

The AI HLEG has been tasked with the delivery of two very challenging pieces of work: (i) draft AI Ethics Guidelines, to which companies, organisations, individuals, institutions, and all other entities will be able to voluntarily adhere; and (ii) Policy and Investment Recommendations, which will offer advice on how to deal with AI-related challenges, and on how to ensure that Europe will be a highly competitive and global player in AI. In order to make these deliverables a success, your input and your support will be crucial.

The summer is almost behind us, and the time has come to intensify our efforts. After a successful introductory meeting of the AI HLEG, held before the summer (minutes available here), it is now time for our first Workshop, which will take place on 20 September 2018. It will be an opportunity for the members of the AI HLEG to share ideas with and learn from each other, as well as to seek contributions from all of you willing to share your knowledge and opinions. 

One of the core tasks of the AI HLEG is to reach out to the entire AI community and the stakeholders involved, and seek your input on the deliverables that we have been tasked prepare. Our Workshops will serve as a tool to discuss more in depth the topics to be covered by the deliverables, in order to help us with the drafting process. I am therefore kindly asking your input on the topics that will be discussed at the Workshop of 20 September, which will be the first of three workshops in total. 

The draft agenda of this First Workshop can be found here. As you will see, five topics will be discussed in particular. Accordingly, we have now created five discussion treads on the forum, each of them aiming to collect your contributions on these particular topics, and your answers to the questions raised thereunder:

  1. Trusted (i.e. responsible and safe) AI
  2. Transparency and Accountability
  3. Industry and Ecosystem Uptake of AI
  4. AI Infrastructure and Enablers
  5. Use-Cases for the Guidelines

We will carefully go through your comments, and draw on your input during the workshop discussions and while drafting the deliverables. The deadline to submit your contributions is 13 September, i.e. one week before the Workshop, allowing us to process your input well ahead.

In addition to the feedback that you can provide via the Forum, a recording of the workshop will be made available.

All of you have the opportunity to contribute to the reflection process of the AI HLEG, and I am personally looking forward to receiving your valuable contributions.

Best regards,

Pekka Ala-Pietilä