AI Structural Organization

  • Elio PENNISI profile
    Elio PENNISI
    19 August 2018
    Total votes: 0

I would like to propose a desirable structural AI Certification-chain whose objective is that to guarantee a basilar security and reliability of the product as this hit the market.

I envision the following hierarchical structure:

  • EU Certification body: to charter operational institutes (Data agencies and Application Software).
  • Data agencies (private or public), possibly segmented by field of interest (e.g. medicine, home care, school learning, autonomous driving, etc.). To maintain/mine huge quantity of data on a specific domain; certified to train AI applications.
  • AI original application software producers (programmers).
  • AI educational institutes and schools to educate students and benefit the future of Industry.

In the absence of a similar structure we run the risk to let super-powerful multinationals supplant designated EU Institutions as legitimate authorities, what has already happened with Google-Play Store!