MORO Project "Territorial Monitoring in Germany and Neighboring Regions" – Part II and Call for Tenders

  • Claire Duvernet profile
    Claire Duvernet
    26 July 2018 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 2

The first phase of the MORO project on cross-border areas, conducted by the BBSR (German Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development) to analyse the situation of territorial monitoring  in cross-border areas was successfully completed. Short reports in all languages of Germany’s neighborhing countries can be downloaded on the BBSR webpage.  An English version will follow.

A second phase is now starting. It aims to consolidate the first results in order to establish a long-term territorial monitoring system for border areas. The BBSR is looking for an external service provider to carry out this second part. The call is open until August 20, 2018. More information (in German) is available here.